Don't believe the rating, this place alone worth to travel to Sofia. The design, the concept, the food, the drinks and the service is all in line and make this place a unique gem in Europe.
Excellent, creative food with high quality fresh ingredients. Veglasagne of the day was unusual & scrumptious. Salads = very flavorful. Many vegetarian & some vegan options. 😋 sweet "milkcocktail".
Delicately delicious, seasonally selected, adventurously combined ingredients, minimum waste in the kitchen and soooo much fermentation = instant love.
Работят с екологични и органични ферми от цяла България. Българската разядка и сирене те пренасят в детството. Интересно и непретенциозно място с изключително мил персонал. Предлагат и веган ястия.