Greggs is one of Zombie.

1. Greggs

13 George Sq, Glasgow, Glasgow City
Bakery · Merchant City · 2 tips and reviews

4sqtales4sqtales: 1/6 My pal James always told me Zombies were real. I didn’t believe him at first. I mean, I saw em in films, but I saw dinosaurs too, and we know they’re not real. (2/6 George Square)

George Square is one of Zombie.

2. George Square

George Sq, Glasgow, Glasgow City
Plaza · Merchant City · 45 tips and reviews

4sqtales4sqtales: 2/6 He was right though. I was just getting my Greigs and I seen them, all over the square. (3/6 George Square)

George Square is one of Zombie.

3. George Square

George Sq, Glasgow, Glasgow City
Plaza · Merchant City · 45 tips and reviews

4sqtales4sqtales: 3/6 Fuck man, I don’t know what to do. I can see them coming out the chambers but they’re saying I’m not allowed. Cover up. You need to know the truth man. (4/6 City Chambers)

City Chambers is one of Zombie.

4. City Chambers

George Square, Glasgow, Glasgow City
Government Building · Merchant City · 6 tips and reviews

4sqtales4sqtales: 4/6 Trying to sneak in I freaked out, ended up battering some shuffling thing behind me. Turned out it was just a pissed old guy. Feel so bad. (5/6 City Chambers)

City Chambers is one of Zombie.

5. City Chambers

George Square, Glasgow, Glasgow City
Government Building · Merchant City · 6 tips and reviews

4sqtales4sqtales: 5/6 all kicking off now, SWAT vans and all sorts. Fuck man, I’m just gonna go for it . Into the crowd, head down, arms swinging. (6/6 Anderston Police Station)

6. Anderston Police Station

945 Argyle Street, Glasgow, Glasgow City
Police Station · Finnieston · 1 tip

4sqtales4sqtales: 6/6 Just been let off by the police. Turns out it was a movie. I battered Brad Pitt. Didn’t even gimme an autograph, what a prima fucking donna.