Balkan Turu

1. Restaurant Tino

Kej Makedonija 55, Охрид, Охрид
Mediterranean Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews

gezginkızgezginkız: Gol manzarasi esliginde balik. Superrrr.

2. Dublin

Kej maršal Tito 54, Охрид, Охрид
Irish Pub · 42 tips and reviews

Taha E.Taha Evke: Yemekler oldukça lezzetli özellikle cheeseburger deneyin fiyatlar çok uygun tesis öğlen 12.00 den önce yarı fiyatına düşüyor yani kahvaltı için güzel peynirli omleti deneyin

3. Franco's Pizza

бул. Витоша 65 (ул. Хан Аспарух 37), София, София-град
Pizzeria · Оборище · 108 tips and reviews

Dafydd D.Dafydd Dil: Proper tasty stonedbaked pizza and nice cold German beer. A brilliant find just off the main high street. Credit cards welcome and an English menu available for tourists!

4. Чай във фабриката (Tea House)

ул. Георги Бенковски 11 (бул. Дондуков), София, София-град
Tea Room · Подуяне · 62 tips and reviews

Παναγιωτης Κ.Παναγιωτης Καρυτσιανος: Beatiful tea house! Must visit!!

5. Ashurbanipal

ул. Княз Борис I 174, София, София-град
Middle Eastern Restaurant · Сердика · 92 tips and reviews

umut b.umut boyunsuz: Pilav şahane, patlıcanlı yemek ve salçalı köfte süper, humus fazla ekşili geldi. Kesinlikle denenmesi gereken bir yer.

6. Преди 10 (Before 10)

ул. Професор Милко Бичев 1 (ул. Силистра), София, София-град
Restaurant · Оборище · 73 tips and reviews

GeorgiGeorgi: Great soup, salad, game main. But as the menu is seasonal and rustic, always ask what's what and you'd get great advice.

Bistrello is one of Balkan Turu.

7. Bistrello

ул. Княз Борис I 62, София, София-град
Restaurant · Оборище · 58 tips and reviews

Rasa A.Rasa Alejunaite: Sweet cozy place. Great food. Good vine choice, nice service. Special desserts - ask waiters. Very hood meat dishes.

8. Bread Land

бул. Г.Делчев 32 (ул. С.Тошев), София, София-град
Bakery · Красно село · 34 tips and reviews

Kateryna K.Kateryna Korobova: The tastiest bread in Sofia (I was tempted by chiabata with olives - ate it at home together with Bulgarian white cheese and tomato- perfect combination.)

9. Timeless Café

ул. Кракра 11 (ул. Шипка), София, София-град
Café · Оборище · 64 tips and reviews

MitsyMitsy: Cozy place with ideal location and excellent garden. Nice draft beer, coffee & tea. Some of the deserts are delicious, others not so.

10. JoVan The Dutch Baker

ул.Ангел Кънчев 37, София, София-град
Bakery · Оборище · 54 tips and reviews

Anna P.Anna Papanagiotou: My favorite bakery in Sofia. Try the cream strawberry croissant and the ciabatta bread is heartwarming

11. Made in Blue

Ул. Юрий Венелин 6, София, София-град
Restaurant · Оборище · 122 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Gyoneva: This place is a must if you are visiting Sofia. Great staff, amazing food, lovely atmosphere. Price compensates with the quality but it is actually not expensive if you are coming from overseas.

12. Клуб на архитекта (Club of the Architects)

ул. Кракра 11 (ул. Шипка), София, София-град
Restaurant · Оборище · 90 tips and reviews

Christos C.Christos Chiotis: Great restaurant! It was a nice find for us during our stay at Sofia. Although it was raining during our dinner, the atmosphere was great, the food quite good and the staff very polite

13. Млекарницата на Добрев 4

бул. Александър С. Пушкин 15, София, София-град
Cheese Store · Павлово · 26 tips and reviews

Haritina R.Haritina Rusimova: Great and cozy place :)

14. One More Bar

12 Tsar Ivan Shishman St. (at Slavyanska St.), София, София-град
Cocktail Bar · Оборище · 205 tips and reviews

İlkay G.İlkay Gökpınar: Salata s kozeno sirene beshe unikalna ;/

180° sun & lounge is one of Balkan Turu.

15. 180° sun & lounge

Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 11-15, Καβάλα, Καβάλα
Café · 32 tips and reviews

16. Прясна паста (Fresh Pasta)

Улица Опълченска 13, Пловдив, Пловдив
Italian Restaurant · 28 tips and reviews

Stoyan K.Stoyan Kitinov: Food is fresh and tasty! Best pasta place in Plovdiv!

Lee is one of Balkan Turu.

17. Lee

Анкарска 23, Скопје
Café · 132 tips and reviews

Zafer H.Zafer Hacibekiroğlu: Mekan gercekten cok guzel kahveleri efsane ozellikle salepi tavsiye ederim.

The Hunters Lodge Kamnik is one of Balkan Turu.

18. The Hunters Lodge Kamnik

Камник бб., Скопје, Општина Карпош
Restaurant · 25 tips and reviews

🧧🧧: Tahnitler biraz ürkütücüyse de muazzam bir yer 👌

19. Centar Bar

Димитрие Чуповски, Скопје, Општина Карпош
Bar · 12 tips and reviews

Viktor P.Viktor Peevski: Excellent bar with excellent service. All the concept of the bar is well adjusted which is in industrial style and acknowledging the own beer they produce. The food menu is perfect, the prices also.

20. Meana B

Скупи 5А, Скопје, Општина Карпош
Eastern European Restaurant · 15 tips and reviews

Ertan A.Ertan Atasoy: Kuzu tandır, peynir , kabak kızartması , domates , çarliston acı biber , soslar , slivova rakiya ,tatlı fena değil

DM is one of Balkan Turu.

21. DM

Орце Николов 136, Скопје, Општина Карпош
BBQ Joint · 41 tips and reviews

Zafer H.Zafer Hacibekiroğlu: Bugune kadar yedigim en iyi kasarli kofte sarskaya mesana ve yaninda shopski salad.

Skopje Old Bazaar is one of Balkan Turu.

22. Skopje Old Bazaar

(Стара скопска чаршија)
(Kazanciska), Скопје, Општина Карпош
Historic and Protected Site · 110 tips and reviews

Metehan S.Metehan SAK: Tarihi dokusu ile kendine has havası ile mükemmel bir yer kendimi bir an Türkiye'de hissettim

23. Rendezvous

ул.Водњанска Бр.15 Лок.1, Скопје, Општина Карпош
Café · 16 tips and reviews

Demijan H.Demijan Hadzi Angelkovski: Best coffee shop in Skopje!

Summer Garden Kaneo is one of Balkan Turu.

24. Summer Garden Kaneo

ул. Кочо Рацин 43 (Kaneo plazha), Охрид, Охрид
Seafood Restaurant · 27 tips and reviews
Hemingway is one of Balkan Turu.

25. Hemingway

ул. Ген. Гурко 10, Пловдив, Пловдив
Modern European Restaurant · 113 tips and reviews
Dolce Fellini is one of Balkan Turu.

26. Dolce Fellini

ул. Ген. Гурко 15, Пловдив, Пловдив
Dessert Shop · Център, Пловдив · 19 tips and reviews