UChicago's green buildings
Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts is one of UChicago's green buildings.

1. Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts

915 E 60th St (S. Drexel Ave.), Chicago, IL
College Arts Building · Woodlawn · 14 tips and reviews

UChicago SustainabilityUChicago Sustainability: Logan sports solar panels capable of powering 600 light bulbs, putting the building in line for LEED Gold certification. Check out the energy kiosk by the entrance to see how much they’re generating.

6045 South Kenwood Ave is one of UChicago's green buildings.

2. 6045 South Kenwood Ave

Home (private) · Woodlawn · 1 tip

UChicago SustainabilityUChicago Sustainability: Adaptive reuse of the former Bell building added energy-efficient lighting, a light-filled atrium, and a shiny new LEED Gold rating in 2009.

Searle Chemistry Laboratories is one of UChicago's green buildings.

3. Searle Chemistry Laboratories

Ellis Ave (57th Street), Chicago, IL
College Lab · Hyde Park · 1 tip

UChicago SustainabilityUChicago Sustainability: With clever features such as a green roof and automatically-closing fume hoods, the 2009 renovation of Searle earned the University its first LEED Gold rating.

University of Chicago Laboratory Schools is one of UChicago's green buildings.

4. University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

1362 E 59th St, Chicago, IL
Education · Hyde Park · 8 tips and reviews

UChicago SustainabilityUChicago Sustainability: An expansion project at the Lab Schools to be completed in 2016 will add several modern, LEED Silver buildings that evoke Gothic architecture.

5. Center for Care and Discovery

5700 S Maryland Ave (at 57th St), Chicago, IL
Hospital · Hyde Park · 8 tips and reviews

UChicago SustainabilityUChicago Sustainability: The state-of-the-art Center for Care and Discovery is LEED Silver certified and feature extensive natural light and efficient heating and cooling systems.