Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna
Museo del Prosciutto is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

1. Museo del Prosciutto

Via Bocchialini 7, Langhirano, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: come discover the production techniques, machineries and secrets behind Parma Ham at the Museo del Prosciutto [open Fri to Sunday 10am-6pm, on weekdays booking is required]

Castello dei Meli Lupi is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

2. Castello dei Meli Lupi

Piazza Meli Lupi 5, Soragna, Emilia-Romagna
Historic and Protected Site · 5 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: You're pretty close to the Parmigiano- Reggiano Museum, one of the tastiest museums in the world. Wanna check-in there? Just walk on to the "Via dei Mille" pathway

Museo dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

3. Museo dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale

Via F. Roncati, 1-35, Spilamberto, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 5 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Wanna call yourself a foodie? Than you had to taste a pick of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar [and this is the place for you by the way!]

Castello di Felino is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

4. Castello di Felino

Strada al Castello 1, Felino, Emilia-Romagna
Castle · 4 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Nowhere around the world would you find a Museum devoted to Salami...except here in Felino [but be aware, the Museo is open during the weekend, from Feb1 to Dec31]

5. Museo della Tigella e Laboratorio del Borlengo

Via Castello 105, Guiglia, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 1 tip

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The Museum is open on Sundays and public holydays only, 10 to 12am, 2.30 to 6.30pm, Easter to November 1st

6. Museo del Pane "Mulino sul Po"

Via Argine Po, Ro, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 1 tip

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Come discover the story of the typical Ferrarese bread in an ancient watermill

Ristorante Casa Artusi is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

7. Ristorante Casa Artusi

Via Andrea Costa 23/31, Forlimpopoli, Emilia-Romagna
Italian Restaurant · 19 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The spaces in Casa Artusi represent an ideal and material continuum along a coherent path where food is the common thread: a Library, a Restaurant and a Cooking school all in once!

Rocca Di Dozza is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

8. Rocca Di Dozza

Piazza della Rocca, Dozza, Emilia-Romagna
History Museum · 10 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The Treasure Chest of all Emilia- Romagna wines

Ponte Alidosi is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

9. Ponte Alidosi

Via Ponte Alidosi, 1, Castel del Rio, Emilia-Romagna
Bridge · 2 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Take a while to visit the nearby Palazzo Alidosi which hosts the Museo del Castagno [Chestnut Museum]. The Exhibition is open on Sundays and during Public Holidays. For more info call: +39054295906

Manifattura Dei Marinati is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

10. Manifattura Dei Marinati

Via Mazzini, 200, Comacchio, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 8 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The building also hosts the Eel Museum [Museo dell'Anguilla], free entrance, open everyday

La Rocca is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

11. La Rocca

Via delle Volte 10, Brisighella, Emilia-Romagna
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Brisighella also hosts an "Olive Tree open air Museum" which is definately worth a visit. Want more info? Call the local Tourist Board at: +39054681166

Corte di Giarola is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

12. Corte di Giarola

Strada Giarola, 9, Collecchio, Emilia-Romagna
Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Corte di Giarola stands on the ancient Via Francigena: It became a monastery during the XI Cent and was transformed in a farm during the Napoleonic period. It currently hosts the Museo del Pomodoro

CRA - API is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

13. CRA - API

Via di Saliceto 80 (Istituto Nazionale di Apicoltura), Bologna, Emilia-Romagna
Medical Lab · Navile · 1 tip

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The Istituto hosts a rich collection of hives and other tools related to the production of honey and the life of the bees

14. Museo della Frutticoltura "Adolfo Bonvicini"

Via Amendola 40, Massa Lombarda, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 1 tip

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: It hosts a large collection of tools and pictures related to traditional fruit production in the area. Book in advance at: +390545985832

Museo della Civiltà Contadina is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

15. Museo della Civiltà Contadina

Via Sammarina 35, Bentivoglio, Emilia-Romagna
Art Museum · 2 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: You're pretty close to the Museo della Patata [Potato Museum] which is definately worth a visit. The museum address is Via Zenzalino Nord,100 More info by phone at: +390516053391

Acetaia Medici- Museo del Vino is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

16. Acetaia Medici- Museo del Vino

strada per Sant'Ilario 68, Montecchio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 1 tip

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The Museum recounts the history of Lambrusco through ancient tools, pictures and machineries. Booking required [call Alessandra Medici at: +390522942135]

17. Giardino Delle Erbe Aromatiche

Other Great Outdoors · Navile · 1 tip

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Take a while to visit the Museo delle Erbe [Herbs Museum]. The entrance is free . More info at: www.ilgiardinodelleerbe.it

Museo del Formaggio di Fossa "Fossa Pellegrini" is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

18. Museo del Formaggio di Fossa "Fossa Pellegrini"

Via Le Greppe 14, Sogliano al Rubicone, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Definately worth a visit- especially in November during the "Sfossatura" period

MUSA Museo del Sale is one of Taste Museums of Emilia Romagna.

19. MUSA Museo del Sale

Via Nazario Sauro, 24 (Magazzino del sale “Torre”), Cervia, Emilia-Romagna
Art Museum · 11 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The Museum is open everyday from 8PM to 11.30PM at summer. From Friday to Sunday- 3.00PM- 6.30PM- from September to March