Cutest little airport ever. Was very nice and a pleasant surprise coming from a larger airport like LAX (which is always under construction) or DIA (super easy to get lost in)
Great small airport. Be sure to smile for the camera when heading to baggage claim. The video feed is shown in the Welcome Lounge for people waiting on friends & family to exit.
The gift shop has some of the best Southwestern foodie souvenirs out of any shops in Tucson that I've visited. Grab a bottle or 2 of the Sonoran Seasoning by Chef Alan Zeman - it's great on everything
I went to University of Arizona and lived in Tucson for a total of ten years. I flew in and of there quite often, and found it a very convenient airport to negotiate.
Fast security, friendly staff, free wifi, great views, no televisions blaring from every corner. Possibly my favorite airport (and I've been in a LOT of airports).
You can get coffee + breakfast sandwiches for early morning flights at either Dunkin Donuts or Beyond Bread. For later folks, there is also a full bar with food as well.
Wi-fi is easy and fast. If you're parking in the garage just follow the signs even though it looks like you're going away from the parkinggarage. The road comes back around.
I'm in airports an average of 250 times a year and the people here are extremely friendly and pleasant. One of the easiest but also well equipped airport I've ever been in!
Oh, finally I see they've opened a TSA pre-check line at the A gates! This after flying in & out of here every other month & being antagonized by the signs telling me to sign up for Pre-check. WOW!
Love flying in an out here. Security is less than 10 minutes (except for first flights out in AM), free Wi-Fi, and people are friendly. I wish all airports were like this!
Did you know? The history of Tucson dates back about 12,000 years but officially, Tucson was founded in 1775 with Spain’s establishment of a walled fortress known as Presidio San Agustín de Tucson. Read more
Small airport, no bragging rights! But it gets you to the bigger places and is close soo! If you can afford the extra 50 bucks to fly out of Tucson instead of Phoenix, do it!
Very small. Security was fast. No dining, only a snack stand. They did have hot breakfast sandwiches pre-made, minus the hot. Nice view of the mountains!
This airport is amazing. Yeah, it's small but it's always clean and always a easy security check-in! It makes going home for holidays a lot easier. I'd hate to fly out of Sky Harbor every time.
The people here are ridiculously nice. An intercom announcement was made because someone forgot their belt at the TSA gate. Who does that?? I love it here.
Lots of artwork scattered all over airport. Nice touch! Always new stuff on exhibition when I come here. Walk around and check it out if you have some spare time.
Great little airport! (far cry from a hellhole! Leave remarks like that for LAX or LGA!). Never any lines, great staff, and its always super clean! I <3 TIA!
Head to the Arizona Sports Grill to watch plasma screen TVs ringing the bar with current sports and news while enjoying classic American and pub favorites.