Neo gothic architecture and amazing small building in the middle of giants. Historic spotlight/ Hermosa edificación de estilo neo gótico. Deslumbrante entre gigantes.
Don't forget to read about the root statue and look at the church doors. Learn about this and much more from our professional guides on a tour with us! #highqualitytours #toursofnyc #nyc #iloveny #hqt Read more
If you're a fan of old cemeteries, as I am, this is a great place. The church itself is lovely as well. Alexander Hamilton (♥) is buried here. Across from the World Trade Center.
You may not have seen Hamilton on Broadway, but you may visit him at his final resting place.
Artifacts from the eight-month-long 9/11 ministry that took place at St. Paul's Chapel will be displayed in the exhibit A Church for the New World: The History of Trinity Church and St. Paul's Chapel. Read more
B sure 2 check out the 2 wings @ the front of the church. There is a chapel, BATHRoOMS!!!!!!! (Which can really come in handy with kids :) and a small museum! Some famous ppl r buried in cemetery 2!
New Yorkers used to celebrate New Year’s Eve here until the New York Times threw the mother of all ragers at their new Times Square offices in 1904. We’ve been going back ever since. True story. Read more
A free NYC tour here! You can visit the graves of William Bradford and Alexander Hamilton and other popular historical figures. You can also viewartifacts dating back to the 1600’s.
Make sure you come around Christmas time to check out their Grammy nominated choir singing Handel's Messiah. It's the real deal with Baroque period instruments.
Trinity Church cemetery is Alexander Hamilton’s final resting place. Hamilton's legacy as a financial founding father can be explored in the Museum's main gallery and the “Alexander Hamilton Room.” Read more
Trinity Root Sculpture. The two-ton sculpture is a bronze covered root from a long-standing sycamore tree which fell in the churchyard of St. Paul’s on 9/11. By Steve Tobin. More info in our blog. Read more
This beautiful Gothic Revival church goes back to 1698 and features incredible workmanship and rich history. A must if your down in the Financial District.
Beautiful church that welcomes our high schoolchoir every year to perform after the noon Mass. The people are just lovely, as is the church and graveyard.
Robert Fulton grave. One of the essential inventors in the development of steam boats in the late 18th century. He is actually buried on the opposite side of the graveyard. More info in our blog Read more
19th Centry Gothic Revival church designed by Richard Upjohn in 1846 based on principles of designer of London's Parliament. Visitation is free. Cemetery contains 1186 graves. More info in our blog. Read more
On the south side of cemetery (along fence) is the grave of one of our founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. Founded 1st bank on Wall St (Bank of NY), shot & killed in a duel with Aarron Burr.
John Watts grave. Tallest memorial in cemetery. Watts was a former lawyer, US Congressman and the last Royal Recorder for the City of NY. More info in our blog. Read more
Est. 1696...There is serious history here. A small group of Anglicans living in Manhattan petitions Governor Benjamin Fletcher for approval to purchase land for a new church.
Alexander Hamilton grave. Hamilton was 1st Secretary of Treasury & developed our 1st National Bank. Killed in pistol duel w/Vice President Aaron Burr in 1804. More info in our blog Read more
Enter from Broadway and head to the right graveyard. The walk to the back right corner of the yard and read the 4th grave from the corner. Look at the name on the grave.
Interesting Facts:Many legendary Americans are buried in the church’scemetery, including Alexander Hamilton (Secretary of the Treasury), William Bradford, Jr. (publisher), Robert Fulton (inventor of
The exciting conclusion to 2004's "National Treasure" features Nicolas Cage and company entering Trinity Church in search of their elusive treasure. Read more
William Bradford grave. Father of American Printing. Founded NYC's 1st paper in 1725. Date of birth is misstated on grave. Was actually 1663 (not 1660). More info in our blog. Read more