"The properties have moldy fire hoses in the hallway. Worse unkept properties I ever rented from. #justsaysela #selainvestmentproperties #slumlords #blackmold #sela #apartmentcomplex #stlouispark"
+j ·
June 10, 2014Meeting Room
· Saint Louis Park, United States
"The properties are trashy"
+j ·
June 6, 2014Apartment or Condo
· United States
"The building is super ghetto"
+j ·
June 6, 2014Home (private)
· Minnetonka, United States
"Cops are constantly at the property which make this building very unsafe. #justsaysela #selainvestmentproperties #amygonyea #minnetonka #police #unsafe #sela #landlords"
+j ·
June 2, 2014Home (private)
· Minnetonka, United States
"If you are looking for a clean/safe building to live this isn't the building for you. Hallways are unkept and the grounds are riddled with unsupervised children. #justsaysela #selainvestmentproperties"
+j ·
June 2, 2014Apartment or Condo
· United States
"I love Papa Murphy's but the GM at this location for some reason is very grumpy and have horrible customer service skills."
+j ·
January 18, 2014Pizza
· Saint Louis Park, United States