Fun in BA
Horský park is one of Fun in BA.

1. Horský park

Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Park · Staré Mesto · 21 tips and reviews

Tomáš P.Tomáš Pospíšil: Great place for relaxing or taking a walk with dog :)

Kino Lumière is one of Fun in BA.

2. Kino Lumière

Špitálska 4, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Indie Movie Theater · Staré Mesto · 25 tips and reviews

Filip O.Filip Olšovský: The best film club in Bratislava with four screening rooms.

Sad Janka Kráľa is one of Fun in BA.

3. Sad Janka Kráľa

Tyršovo nábrežie, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Park · Dvory · 26 tips and reviews

Stefan S.Stefan Schubert: The Gothic tower is the original spire of the Franciscan Church. This church is the oldest sacral building in the Old Town of Bratislava.

Slovak National Theatre is one of Fun in BA.

4. Slovak National Theatre

(Slovenské národné divadlo)
Pribinova 17, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Theater · Ružinov · 15 tips and reviews

Zuza P.Zuza Povodova: Madam Bovary - zimomriavky. Vrelo odporucam, top predstavenie tejto sezony :)

Slovenská národná galéria is one of Fun in BA.

5. Slovenská národná galéria

Nám. Ľ. Štúra 33/4 (Rázusovo nábr.), Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Art Museum · Staré Mesto · 21 tips and reviews

DubravkaDubravka: Slovak national gallery the best gallery in the town.

Historical Building of Slovak National Theatre is one of Fun in BA.

6. Historical Building of Slovak National Theatre

(Historická budova SND)
Gorkého 131/4 (Hviezdoslavovo nám.), Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Opera House · Staré Mesto · 13 tips and reviews

Amaury J.Amaury J: Only saw it from the outside, but it was beautiful architecture. From the inside it must be even more gorgeous!

Medická záhrada is one of Fun in BA.

7. Medická záhrada

Blumentálska 10/A (Špitálska / 29. augusta), Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Park · Staré Mesto · 38 tips and reviews

MartinusMartinus: Krásny park v centre Bratislavy. Ľahnite si do trávy a vychutnajte si teplé slnečné lúče v spojení dobrej knižky.

Space World is one of Fun in BA.

8. Space World

Račianska 22/A, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Laser Tag Center · Nové Mesto · 16 tips and reviews

Ondrej E.Ondrej E: Skvele, nove priestory na laser tag plus dalsie vecicky ako xbox, stolny tenis, air hockey a k tomu bar.

Man at Work is one of Fun in BA.

9. Man at Work

Panská, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Outdoor Sculpture · Staré Mesto · 29 tips and reviews

CarolineCaroline: One of the most famous sights in the Old Town is the Cumil. This is a bronze statue, the cheerfully laughs out of a manhole cover.

10. Nedbalka Gallery

Nedbalova 17, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Art Gallery · Staré Mesto · 18 tips and reviews

finnfinn: krásne a fotogenické priestory s príjemnou kaviarňou. otvorené utorok-nedeľa 13:00-19:00

Zimný štadión Ondreja Nepelu | Slovnaft Arena is one of Fun in BA.

11. Zimný štadión Ondreja Nepelu | Slovnaft Arena

Odbojárov 1295/9, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Hockey Stadium · Nové Mesto · 32 tips and reviews

Juraj B.Juraj Boledo: KHL matches have the best crowd and atmosphere in the league. It is exciting but cultural, so you can even take your famíy with you. Sector a10 is right behind the home bench - must for Slovan fans.

St. Michael's Gate is one of Fun in BA.

12. St. Michael's Gate

(Michalská brána)
Michalská 375/15 (Zámočnícka), Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Historic and Protected Site · Staré Mesto · 31 tips and reviews

Sheraton Bratislava HotelSheraton Bratislava Hotel: Under the Michael's Gate you will find Bratislava's Kilometer Zero with distances to 29 capitals in the world.

KC Dunaj is one of Fun in BA.

13. KC Dunaj

Nedbalova 3, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Music Venue · Staré Mesto · 101 tips and reviews

Marina L.Marina Laduda: You never know what to expect; young natives, 25+ natives, hostel kids, couch surfers, a live band, sometimes a DJ... anyway the lemonade with rum is delish.

Štúdio 12 is one of Fun in BA.

14. Štúdio 12

Jakubovo námestie 12, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Theater · Staré Mesto · 1 tip

Juraj I.Juraj III.: Alternatívne divadelné predstavenia, premietania, diskusie, prezentácie... Pestrý program pre náročnejších.

Štúdio L+S is one of Fun in BA.

15. Štúdio L+S

Nám. 1.mája 5 (Hotel Tatra), Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Comedy Club · Staré Mesto · 3 tips and reviews

Martina B.Martina Beveláguová: Divadlo, ktorému záleží viac na kvalite ako na kvantite :) Odporúčam

A4 is one of Fun in BA.

16. A4

Karpatská 3089/2, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Performing Arts Venue · Staré Mesto · 9 tips and reviews

Iveta K.Iveta Krajcirova: Culture space with many great events and cozy bar.

Bibiana is one of Fun in BA.

17. Bibiana

Panská 41, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Art Studio · Staré Mesto · 2 tips and reviews

Ivi-kiwi P.Ivi-kiwi Priehradnikova: Kids can touch everything exhibited by hands manually in here. Really made for children.