You should have seen Max in high school. He was the all-star QB and dated Fluffy, the Prom Queen. Those were the days. Some say he peeked, but we know better. Max is timeless.
Don't miss your chance to attend one of their "Open Lab Sessions." You'll get more than free coffee from the experience. Search #xdlab on Twitter to keep up with the conversation.
Some say Max can read minds. Think about Beggin' Strips when you sit near him to see if he gets excited. Just kidding, he doesn't get excited for Beggin' Strips. Think about tennis balls.
Just accept the fact that Max will internalize your affectionate greeting but show nothing in return. It's called stoicism. Deep down he simply loves you more than words can say.
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8-10 am we have “Open Lab Sessions”. Conversations about everything from innovation to creating change in the community.