Probably the best touristattraction in London, mainly because of the Beefeaters (Yeoman of the Guard) who do the tours (optional, but unmissable) - they tell a story very well! Read more
Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned here twice. After both releases he set off on unsuccessful missions to find the fabled ‘El Dorado’. He was finally executed here in 1618.Find your maritime story. Read more
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The White Tower is the original home of the Royal Armouries, part of this collection moved to Leeds in 1996 but the White Tower still holds some of the collections to this date.
Some of the more unfortunate residents arrived via the Water Gate. Wonder if the Nixon-burglarized apartment complex in DC is named after this one, a mark of shared infamy?
Take your time here. Think of what has happened here.Treat it less as a touristattraction and more of a chance to use your imagination - Harry Spotter style.See and smell the history here.