hint, tips and other items
Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM) is one of hint, tips and other items.

1. Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM)

3620 McClintock Ave (University of Southern California), Los Angeles, CA
College Science Building · South LA · 5 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: This building houses Health Promotion and Disease Prevention classes, along with other science courses. It's named after a famous cardiologist and philanthropist.

Ronald Tutor Hall (RTH) is one of hint, tips and other items.

2. Ronald Tutor Hall (RTH)

3710 McClintock Ave (University of Southern California), Los Angeles, CA
College Academic Building · South LA · 5 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: Opened in 2005, this is the USC Viterbi School of Engineering's newest building. Relax at the Baum Family Student Center.

Student Union (STU) is one of hint, tips and other items.

3. Student Union (STU)

3601 Trousdale Pkwy (University of Southern California), Los Angeles, CA
College Administrative Building · South LA · 2 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: Have you read the Daily Trojan today? You can find a copy here, along with the Career Center, the USC Ticket Office and many student groups.

Von KleinSmid Center (VKC) is one of hint, tips and other items.

4. Von KleinSmid Center (VKC)

3518 Trousdale Pkwy (University of Southern California), Los Angeles, CA
College Classroom · South LA · 7 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: USC has the largest international student population of any U.S. university, and there's a flag hanging here for each country represented. See how many you can name.

USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (ASC) is one of hint, tips and other items.

5. USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (ASC)

3502 Watts Way (University of Southern California), Los Angeles, CA
College Communications Building · South LA · 19 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: Here USC students get hands-on journalism experience by working for Annenberg TV News, Annenberg News Radio and the Daily Trojan newspaper.

Yard House is one of hint, tips and other items.

6. Yard House

800 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
American Restaurant · South Park · 223 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: Use the free USC shuttle that travels between L.A. Live and USC! Available Fridays 6pm-2am & Saturdays 2pm-2am. Read more.

USC Bookstore (BKS) is one of hint, tips and other items.

7. USC Bookstore (BKS)

840 Childs Way (University of Southern California), Los Angeles, CA
College Bookstore · South LA · 12 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: More than just books — this is also the spot to buy Trojan gear, computers and more. Don't miss the section with books by USC alumni.

Ronald Tutor Campus Center (TCC) is one of hint, tips and other items.

8. Ronald Tutor Campus Center (TCC)

3607 Trousdale Pkwy (University of Southern California), Los Angeles, CA
Student Center · South LA · 25 tips and reviews

University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California: Grab a bite to eat and relax at the Tutor Campus Center's Italianate plaza. The Admission Center and Alumni Center are here, along with student offices, work spaces, study lounges and more.

Maples Pavilion is one of hint, tips and other items.

9. Maples Pavilion

655 Campus Dr (btwn. Bonair Sidling Rd. & Sam MacDonald Mall), Stanford, CA
College Basketball Court · 15 tips and reviews

Stanford UniversityStanford University: Home of Cardinal Basketball. Fanatical fans make Maples “one of the West's most notorious pits” for opposing teams. Read more.

Jordan Hall is one of hint, tips and other items.

10. Jordan Hall

450 Serra Mall Bldg 420 (450 Serra Mall), Stanford, CA
College Academic Building · 7 tips and reviews

Stanford UniversityStanford University: Check out the basement to see where the classic 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment took place. The results were so extreme that it was stopped early. Read more.

The Quad is one of hint, tips and other items.

11. The Quad

Palm Drive, Stanford, CA
College Quad · 7 tips and reviews

Stanford UniversityStanford University: The center of campus, but more importantly, the site of Full Moon on the Quad. Don’t know what that is? Ask a student.

Stanford Stadium is one of hint, tips and other items.

12. Stanford Stadium

625 Nelson Rd (at Galvez St.), Stanford, CA
College Football Field · 38 tips and reviews

Stanford UniversityStanford University: Unveiled in 2006, the Home of Stanford Football holds over 50,000 fans. On game days, come early to eat, play games, and cheer on the players as they walk into Gate #1. Read more.

Stanford Shopping Center is one of hint, tips and other items.

13. Stanford Shopping Center

660 Stanford Shopping Ctr (at Sand Hill Rd & El Camino Real), Palo Alto, CA
Shopping Mall · 103 tips and reviews

Stanford UniversityStanford University: No, Stanford doesn’t offer a degree in shopping, but rental income from this outdoor mall does support the University. Look for gorgeous flowers in-bloom year-round.

Stanford University is one of hint, tips and other items.

14. Stanford University

450 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA
University · 105 tips and reviews

Stanford UniversityStanford University: Want tips? Follow Stanford University on Foursquare to discover fun and surprising tips across campus and far beyond. Read more.

Jarvis Residence Hall is one of hint, tips and other items.

15. Jarvis Residence Hall

1360 Campus Dr, Durham, NC
College Residence Hall · 1 tip

Duke UniversityDuke University: Move in from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm on August 21.