Terrazza del Gianicolo is one of Řím.

1. Terrazza del Gianicolo

Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi, Roma, Lazio
Scenic Lookout · Trastevere · 73 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The Janiculum is one of the best locations in Rome for a breathtaking view of the innumerable domes and bell towers that pierce the skyline of the multi-hued architectural museum.

Ristorante Caffe' Ciampini is one of Řím.

2. Ristorante Caffe' Ciampini

Viale Trinita' dei Monti, 2, Roma, Lazio
Café · Campo Marzio · 25 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: This open-air café near the top of the Spanish Steps is an oasis surrounded by creeper-curtained trellises, with a pond in the centre. The view is stunning, especially at sunset.

Spanish Steps is one of Řím.

3. Spanish Steps

(Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti)
Piazza Trinità dei Monti 17 (Piazza di Spagna), Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Campo Marzio · 303 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: he monumental stairway of 138 steps was built with French diplomat Étienne Gueffier’s bequeathed funds of 20000 scudi in 1723–1725, linking the Bourbon Spanish Embassy and the Trinità dei Monti church

Cul de Sac is one of Řím.

4. Cul de Sac

Piazza di Pasquino, 73 (Via di Pasquino), Roma, Lazio
Italian Restaurant · Parione · 206 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Rome's first ever wine bar, the Cul de Sac was founded in 1968. Looking very traditional nowadays, it's cramped inside and out, with long pine benches and tables, and decidedly no-frills.

Baths of Caracalla is one of Řím.

5. Baths of Caracalla

(Terme di Caracalla)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 79 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The high-vaulted ruins of the Baths of Caracalla, surrounded by trees and grass, are pleasantly peaceful today.

Villa Medici - Accademia di Francia a Roma is one of Řím.

6. Villa Medici - Accademia di Francia a Roma

1a Viale della Trinità dei Monti, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Campo Marzio · 26 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The Villa Medici, founded by Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany and now property of the French State, has housed the French Academy in Rome since 1803.

Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti is one of Řím.

7. Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti

Piazza Trinità dei Monti 3, Roma, Lazio
Church · Campo Marzio · 17 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The Santissima Trinità dei Monti is a late Renaissance titular church in Rome, central Italy. The church and its surrounding area (including the Villa Medici) are the property of the French State.

St. Peter's Basilica is one of Řím.

8. St. Peter's Basilica

(Basilica Sancti Petri)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatican
Church · Città del Vaticano · 636 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: After 120 years as a building site, the current St Peter's was consecrated on 18 November 1626 by Urban VIII - exactly 1,300 years after the consecration of the first basilica on the site.

Scuderie del Quirinale is one of Řím.

9. Scuderie del Quirinale

Via XXIV Maggio, 16, Roma, Lazio
Museum · Trevi · 29 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: There is a good art bookshop and a café and - best of all - a breathtaking view of Rome's skyline from the rear staircase as you leave.

Basilica di Santa Cecilia is one of Řím.

10. Basilica di Santa Cecilia

Piazza Di Santa Cecilia, Roma, Lazio
Church · Trastevere · 13 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The current 16th-century church of this magnificent religious complex was built above a fifth-century basilica, which in turn incorporated a titulus, or house where early Christians met.

Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano is one of Řím.

11. Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano

Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, Roma, Lazio
Church · Monti · 56 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Along with the Lateran palace, it was the site of the original papal headquarters until the move across the river to St Peter's and the Vatican in the 14th century.

San Lorenzo in Lucina is one of Řím.

12. San Lorenzo in Lucina

16a Via in Lucina, Roma, Lazio
Church · Colonna · 5 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: This 12th-century church was built on the site of a titulus, which in turn is believed to stand on the site of an ancient well sacred to Juno. The church's exterior incorporates Roman columns.

Piazza Navona is one of Řím.

13. Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Parione · 632 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: This tremendous theatrical space, centred on the gleaming marble composition of Bernini's Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers), is the hub of the centro storico.

Piazza del Popolo is one of Řím.

14. Piazza del Popolo

Piazza del Popolo, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Campo Marzio · 294 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: For centuries, piazza del Popolo was the first glimpse most travellers got of Rome, for it lies at the end of the ancient via Flaminia and directly inside the city's northern gate the Porta del Popolo

Pantheon is one of Řím.

15. Pantheon

Piazza della Rotonda (Via Palombella), Roma, Lazio
Monument · Sant'Eustachio · 800 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The Pantheon is the best-preserved ancient building in Rome. It was built (and possibly designed) by Hadrian in AD 119-128 as a temple to the 12 most important classical deities.

Museo dell'Ara Pacis is one of Řím.

16. Museo dell'Ara Pacis

Lungotevere in Augusta (Via Tomacelli), Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Campo Marzio · 54 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: It's a relief that Augustus' great monument has finally been liberated after years hidden beneath scaffolding: its Luna marble glows in architect Richard Meier's luminous space.

Colosseum is one of Řím.

17. Colosseum

Piazza del Colosseo (Via dei Fori Imperiali), Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 1816 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Vespasian began building the Colosseum - which has hosted gory battles between combinations of gladiators, slaves, prisoners and wild animals of all descriptions.

Roman Forum is one of Řím.

18. Roman Forum

(Foro Romano)
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 456 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: After its period of glory, the Forum was relentlessly attacked for centuries by barbarians, after which it was gradually dismantled by anyone - from popes to paupers - who needed building materials.

Foro di Traiano is one of Řím.

19. Foro di Traiano

Piazza Foro Traiano, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Monti · 33 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: On the north-east side of via dei Fori Imperiali are the extensive remains of Trajan's forum, the last of the fora, laid out in the early second century AD.

Trevi Fountain is one of Řím.

20. Trevi Fountain

(Fontana di Trevi)
Piazza di Trevi, Roma, Lazio
Fountain · Trevi · 1300 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: For recent generations, it was Anita Ekberg who made this fountain famous when she plunged in wearing a strapless black evening dress in Federico Fellini's classic La dolce vita.

Column of Marcus Aurelius is one of Řím.

21. Column of Marcus Aurelius

(Colonna di Marco Aurelio)
Piazza Colonna, Roma, Lazio
Monument · Colonna · 17 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The 30m (100ft) column of Marcus Aurelius was built between AD 180 and 196 to commemorate the victories on the battlefield of that most intellectual of Roman emperors.

Circus Maximus is one of Řím.

22. Circus Maximus

(Circo Massimo)
Via del Circo Massimo, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Ripa · 96 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The oldest and largest of Rome's ancient arenas, the Circus Maximus hosted chariot races from at least the fourth century BC. It was rebuilt by Julius Caesar to hold as many as 300,000 people.

Chiostro del Bramante is one of Řím.

23. Chiostro del Bramante

Arco della Pace, 5, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Ponte · 52 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Urbino-born architect Donato Bramante is credited with kick-starting the Roman High Renaissance. He began with the beautiful Chiostro del Bramante in 1500-4.

Catacombe di San Sebastiano is one of Řím.

24. Catacombe di San Sebastiano

Via Appia Antica 136, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Ardeatino · 19 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The name 'catacomb' originated in this spot, where a complex of underground burial sites situated near a tufa quarry was described as being kata kymbas - 'near the quarry'.

Catacombe di San Callisto is one of Řím.

25. Catacombe di San Callisto

Via Appia Antica, 110, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Ardeatino · 37 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: These are Rome's largest catacombs. Buried in the 29km (18 miles) of tunnels were nine popes (venerated in a chapel known as il piccolo Vaticano), dozens of martyrs and thousands of Christians.

Castle of the Holy Angel is one of Řím.

26. Castle of the Holy Angel

(Castel Sant'Angelo)
Lungotevere Castello, Roma, Lazio
Castle · 359 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Begun by Emperor Hadrian in AD 135 as his own mausoleum, Castel Sant'Angelo has variously been a fortress, prison and papal residence.

Bioparco is one of Řím.

27. Bioparco

Piazzale del Giardino Zoologico, 1, Roma, Lazio
Zoo · Pinciano e salario, Roma, Lazio · 49 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: For guided tours (in English) call 06 361 4015 from 9.30am to 1pm. From April to September the Zoo remains open until 7pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Teatro Olimpico is one of Řím.

28. Teatro Olimpico

Piazza Gentile da Fabriano 17, Roma, Lazio
Theater · Flaminio · 12 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Great for all types of performances, the Olimpico has good acoustics, even for cheaper seats. Go for the central front and second row seats in the gallery.

La Maison is one of Řím.

29. La Maison

Vicolo dei Granari, 4, Roma, Lazio
Night Club · Parione · 11 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The ice-cool barmen and a VIP room almost as big as the club itself speak volumes: this is one of the clubs of choice of Rome's fashion-victims.

Circolo Tennis "La stampa " is one of Řím.

30. Circolo Tennis "La stampa "

Piazza Antonio Mancini 19, Roma, Lazio
Tennis Court · Flaminio · 2 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Owned by the Italian journalists' association, but friendly and open to non-members, the Circolo offers both clay and synthetic grass courts.

Teatro Valle is one of Řím.

31. Teatro Valle

Via del Teatro Valle 21, Roma, Lazio
Theater · Parione · 9 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: This beautiful little chocolate-box of a theatre hosts an interesting range of performances plus the occasional concert or ballet. A gem.

Teatro Argentina is one of Řím.

32. Teatro Argentina

Largo Torre Argentina 52, Roma, Lazio
Theater · Sant'Eustachio · 12 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Rome's plush flagship theatre has a wide-ranging programme, including some dance and poetry.

Vatican Museums is one of Řím.

33. Vatican Museums

(Musea Vaticana)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican
Art Museum · Stato della Città del Vaticano · 898 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Begun by Pope Julius II in 1503, this immense collection represents the accumulated fancies and obsessions of a long line of strong, often contradictory personalities.

Museo Napoleonico is one of Řím.

34. Museo Napoleonico

Piazza di Ponte Umberto I, 1, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Ponte · 5 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Blink and you could miss any mention of Napoleon's reign in Rome - from 1798 to 1814 - in standard accounts of the city.

Altar of the Fatherland is one of Řím.

35. Altar of the Fatherland

(Altare della Patria)
Piazza Venezia, Roma, Lazio
Monument · 156 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: At the top of the first set of stairs, two soldiers stand guard at the tomb of the milite ignoto (unknown soldier), placed here after World War I.

Museo di Palazzo Venezia is one of Řím.

36. Museo di Palazzo Venezia

Via del Plebiscito 118, Roma, Lazio
History Museum · 3 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The collection at Palazzo Venezia contains a hotchpotch of everything from terracotta models by Bernini to medieval decorative art.

Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi is one of Řím.

37. Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi

Piazza San Pantaleo, 10, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Parione · 13 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: A rotating collection displayed over two floors recounts the evolution of the Eternal City from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century.

MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma is one of Řím.

38. MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma

Via Nizza, 138, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · 60 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Rome's sluggish contemporary art scene was given a shot in the arm in the 1990s with the opening of a municipal modern art gallery in a stunningly converted brewery.

MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo is one of Řím.

39. MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo

Via Guido Reni, 4/A (Via Flaminia e Via Giovanni Paolo Pannini), Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Flaminio · 150 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Works to transform this former army barracks into the Museo delle arti del XXI secolo (MAXXI) have been stop-go since building began in 2001, to a design by Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid.

Capitoline Museums is one of Řím.

40. Capitoline Museums

(Musei Capitolini)
Piazza del Campidoglio 1, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · 84 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Housed in the palaces of Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori on opposite sides of Michelangelo's piazza del Campidoglio, the Capitoline museums constitute the oldest public gallery in the world

Galleria Borghese is one of Řím.

41. Galleria Borghese

Piazzale Scipione Borghese 5, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Pinciano e salario, Rome, Latium · 179 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Begun in 1608 by Flaminio Ponzio and continued by Jan van Santen (Giovanni Vasanzio) upon his death, the Casino Borghese was designed to house Cardinal Scipione Borghese's art collection.

Galleria Doria Pamphilj is one of Řím.

42. Galleria Doria Pamphilj

Via del Corso, 305, Roma, Lazio
Art Gallery · Pigna · 35 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The collection of one of the great families of Rome's aristocracy (spelled either Pamphili or Pamphilj), now headed by two half-British siblings.

Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna is one of Řím.

43. Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna

Viale delle Belle Arti 131, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · 67 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: Several of the villas dotted around the park are the remains of a world exposition held here in 1911 and this neoclassical palace dedicated to 19th and 20th century art is one of the most eye-pleasing