Try everything if you're group, just split all the food. Amazing restaurant in Chania, amazing discovery, To Antikristo is one extraordinary foodies paradise.
Possibly the best place in Chania region, no doubt the best restaurant in Chania of all that we experienced, that place have general tension to do things right. Antikristolamb was a dream!
Overwhelmingly Greek with radical approach toward supporting local products. Great place if you are about essence while in Greece. Best food overall (14 days) We recommend it. We will be back.
We arrived at the restaurant with a warm welcoming. Food is splendid. The specialty is roasted pork and lamb in a specific way, taking long hours to cook. Everything delicious. Highly recommended!
Antikristo is a nice restaurant in Chania and we spent 5 days there having lunch or dinner. Food is superb, I'd say real food out of crowd. We, of course, will be back next year.
Απαιχτος!! Fantastic restaurant, the best Antikristo ever, clean, good selection of music. Go with confidence, it is just 5-10 min. from the Chania city square.
Great place for families with kids and all others who appreciate high quality food. Located in Chania, not easy to find first time but perfect overall.
Το καλυτερο μακραν αντικρυστο στην πολη των Χανιων. Ζητηστε την σαλατα ονειρο. Επισης το wifi pass ειναι το 28210-72700, που ειναι και το τηλ του μαγαζιου.