"Так выглядит мраморный стейк, кусок, толщиной 0,5 сантиметра, с 5ю толстенными прожилками жира, не знаю зачем спрашивают прожарку, но это не стейк."
Modern European
· Мінск, Беларусь
7.2"Great stuff, amazing music, interior is hip. Drinks are good but looks like they started use some sort of Belorussian's made alcohol. A lot of people in search to pick up girl or boy."
Modern European
· Мінск, Беларусь
7.5"Bermudas are forbidden, no entrance for people wearing a casual clothing during summer, +27, average restaurant, and typically Belarusian stuff and rules. Short conversation was not very pleasant."
· Минск, Беларусь
6.7"As for 2015, I want to rate this place as a BEST BAR IN MINSK. Hippest place in the city. Best music. Best concentration of beautiful hip girls. Best drinks."
· Мінск, Беларусь
6.8"Coffee became awful, double espresso was like accumulator liquid. The same coffee I tried in coffee box 2 years before."
Coffee Shop
· Мінск, Беларусь
7.6"No vegetarian food, but coffee is good. Wine is kinda expensive for coffeehouse. Nice design and baristas."
Coffee Shop
· Мінск, Беларусь