Celebrate the 2013 Atlanta 4sqDay here on April 16th from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Event details and to RSVP: Read more.
With a 1,200-square-foot, cork-cushioned dance-floor & a capacity for 300 people, DJs Will Eastman & Jesse Tittsworth designed their new basement club for one thing & one thing only: maximum movement. Read more.
U.S. researcher Don Eigler succeeded, to move individual atoms with a scanning tunneling microscope, in 1989. He placed 35 xenon atoms so that they formed the letters IBM - the name of his employer. Read more.
Oxygen was not present in the primitive atmosphere of the earth. The 21% O2 of today's air were formed in the course of evolution by photosynthesis of algae, this made life on the mainland possible. Read more.