11 places updated July 20, 2015
11 places including Tjing Tjing Rooftop Bar, Camps Bay Beach, Top of Table Mountain, Empire Cafe
25 places updated July 22, 2015
25 places including Port Olímpic, Palau Robert, The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, Collage Art & Cocktails Social Club
10 places updated May 2, 2015
10 places including Vorhoelzer Forum, MAELU, Pusser's, Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm
7 places updated May 16, 2015
7 places including Black Angel's Bar, Bar and Books Týnská, Public Interest, Buddha-Bar
72 places updated
72 places including BierCab, Monvínic, BeerGeek Bar, Café Girafe
1 places updated
1 place including Cukrkávalimonáda