President Obama & the First Lady's trip to Africa

1. Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport (DKR)

Ngor, Dakar, Dakar
International Airport · Yoff · 29 tips and reviews

The White HouseThe White House: The First Family is welcomed at the airport in Senegal, beginning their journey through Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania. Read more.

Presidential Palace is one of President Obama & the First Lady's trip to Africa.

2. Presidential Palace

Dakar, Dakar
Apartment or Condo · 2 tips and reviews

The White HouseThe White House: President Obama participated in an arrival ceremony and bilateral meeting with President Macky Sall of Senega. Read more.

Island of Gorée is one of President Obama & the First Lady's trip to Africa.

3. Island of Gorée

(Île de Gorée)
Ile de Gorée, Dakar, Dakar
Historic and Protected Site · Gorée · 38 tips and reviews

The White HouseThe White House: President Obama and the First Lady toured the Masion des Esclaves Museum on Gorée Island, Senegal. Read more.

University of Cape Town is one of President Obama & the First Lady's trip to Africa.

4. University of Cape Town

Rustenburg Ave, iKapa, Western Cape
University · Rondebosch - Rosebank · 2 tips and reviews

The White HouseThe White House: President Obama delivered a speech on U.S.- Africa relations at the University of Cape Town. Read more.

Cape Town International Airport (CPT) is one of President Obama & the First Lady's trip to Africa.

5. Cape Town International Airport (CPT)

Airport Approach Rd (Boquinar Industrial Area), iKapa, Western Cape
International Airport · Cape Town International Airport · 246 tips and reviews

The White HouseThe White House: President Obama and the First Lady arrived at Cape Town International Airport during their trip to Africa. Read more.