Everything is so mothershwackin' good! The burgers (dem buns!), the tortilla soup was fantastic, buffalo blasters were a spicy little treat... can't wait to try more stuff!
Great food! Affordable too. I also like the fact that they serve alcohol here and have a pretty good size selection of beers on tap. The fish tacos are BOMB! The burgers looked great too.
The beef is too dry, the grilled fish would be fantastic if they made it much less salty, so I settle for the chicken which are great. I prefer the fish if they could fix them. Great little place!
Everything about this restaurant is so damn perfect. The crews also are very accommodating and never tried to do unnecessary works that bothered me. I highly recommend this restaurant to everyone.
Killer Shwack fish tacos no breading or deep frying very tasty. BBQ chicken salad just plain awesome! Real friendly crew they make you feel like family.