Teams competing by how much each of them will drink is an awesome experience. And you not only compete with fellow bar guests but also with other bars in Prague.
Cool concept, and it works well! Beer tastes good, and it's always fun (although maybe not healthy?) to compete against other tables in amount of beer consumed. Food is ok.
Opakovaně famózní vepřová panenka. Tajemství prý spočívá v její v přípravě ve vakuu. / They have a fantastic pork tenderloin repeatedly. Allegedly the secret is it's preparation in vacuum. 👌👍🤤
I pochoutky k pivo jsou mírně dražší, kvalita je ale mírně nadstandardní. Nebude vám tedy vyloženě líto, že jste "vyhodili" skoro 70,-Kč za blbý utopence...