This is not an ordinary museum, but an extraordinary one! ♥ Great place to hang out with your family and friends! Educational and Interactive activities to enjoy with! ♥
Very fun exhibits! Be mindful of the schedules for the special film showings and demos. Everyone is sure to learn at least one new thing about the world and beyond.
Listen for announcements of the Mind Moving Studios at the Science Demo Area. The Mind Movers will engage you in demonstrations, experiments and conversations about various science topics.
Be mindful of the schedule. There are time intervals in which you can enter. Around 2hrs is good enough to roam the whole area, but still better to maximize the 3hrs :)
Don't miss the shows inside the Dome. Prepare yourself for information overload. Tip: you can buy tickets at student price even when you're an adult. *wink wink*. The Mind Movers don't even know.
The only interactive museum i've ever been to, there's an actual replica of a t-rex inside which is pretty cool! Better get the whole day pass to make the most out of it ^_^
Catch the latest exhibit - The #ApocalypseProject in collaboration with artist/scientist Catherine Young at the Tech Gallery. Play Mission Apocalypse to become Commander of the future of the planet!
Join the MindBurst on March 17 (Sunday). Featuring an Innovations Fair, Kiddie Workshops, and Conversations on Creativity with masters in their field. See you there! :) Read more
For me, 3 hours is bitin. Some of the exhibits was also in repair which according to the signs are due to "rough playing". I wish there were more museumstaff that can talk through the exhibits
The Newest and Coolest Museum in the country is a razzle-dazzle collection of Sony Technology set on a forward-thinking design for a country speeding towards a better tomorrow ^_^
They force you to leave when their timeslot is done and you came during mid-time or whatever. Kind of a turn-off for museum-loving people who follow the free culture of roaming around freely. Hm.
Check out BIORHYTHM at the Special Exhibition Hall. There are 14 interactive exhibits exploring the relationship between music and the body. Exhibit runs til Feb 15.
Unfortunately, it's not well maintained. A number of exhibits are not working properly anymore. If I paid the full price, I would have gone berserk. Good thing I got a discount from Deal Grocer.
Some tools were not functional anymore. I got a 150php off discount so i thought it was okay. Less attractions as expected. Though was worth the try and the Dino fossil was enormous!