Dudes, you can totally remove your coffee from the brew bar yourselves. Room is a personal choice. :) thanks for helping out your busy, beautiful, and caffeine anxiety plagued baristas.
Iced chai tea is amazeballs! Have any tossed salad - its all great! I had shrimp w/ black bean & other veggies & a lil bit of naughty (but fabulous) blue cheese :o)
If you're there to do schoolwork, please be mindful of folks just there enjoying a cup of coffee. If you're there to enjoy a cup of coffee, please be mindful of those doing schoolwork.
i can appreciate being courteous of others wanting tables, etc, however during finals week I feel that the one-hour table limit is blasphemy! literally was hounded by the manager 4 times. rude&unfair
Whether you're in for a breakfast pick-me-up or a nighttime gathering, drink a Nutty CaramelCoffee. Extra incentive to go in after dark: pastries are 1/2 price after 8:00!
Get the German Chocolate Mocha. Hot or Iced it's excellent. Also, if you're looking for a pastry, the cappuccinobrownie and cinnamon roll are delicious
I tried to leave flyers here for an event & they were total Nazis about it. I guess they would have interfered with all the hipsters conspicuously ignoring each other. Even Starbucks was cool with it!