I'm from NYc...and though I'm impressed with he ice skating rink, I truley hate malls, enclosed shopping experience. Nothing better than cruising down random streets in soho window shopping.
Elevator doors in the financial center part of the mall (where the apple store is) do not automatically trigger to open by force or motion. Add in large weekend crowds and you've got a problem.
Stop by Charming Charlie's tonight from 6-9pm & shop for your list while helping kids! Charlie is donating 10% of the sales to Devereux - just grab your white wristband!!
Up early with the boys for these latest tennisshoes...I'm not complaining...Jordan (the working son) is buying for his brothers....mama loves that boy!
Need a sugar rush to power you through all this shopping? Stop by Dylan's CandyBar (created by the daughter of a great fashion figure after all, Mr. Ralph Lauren!) Read more
Shop for a V-day gift at the play area today btwn 1-4. MD Anderson Children's Art Project will have all their V-Day products out for sale. Spend $10 and automatically receive a prize or giftcard. All Read more
Stop by BBW and use the aromatherapy line to de-stress your day. Sign up for their text message service and get the latest coupons/ specials texted to you.
"Told her when he get on he gon' take her to the Galleria,And buy everything but the mannequins, ya dig?" - Lupe Fiasco "Hip-hop Saved My Life" Sourced from rapgenius.com.
Don't try parking in the garage on Westheimer!! You have one floor if your car is close to 6ft4in. Try the Nordstroms garage instead! Much easier to find a parking space.
Houston's longest running nightclub is down the street - The Roxy (5351 West Alabama @ Rice St) open Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat. * Newly Remodeled! Come check it out!* more info call 713.850.7699