Favorite affordable date spots
Columbian Theatre is one of Favorite affordable date spots.

1. Columbian Theatre

1102 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR
Movie Theater · 2 tips and reviews

Commodore Hotel A.Commodore Hotel Astoria: Super cheap movies and good pizza make this a local favorite for a night out. There is only one movie playing at a time and one showing a night, but for $4 why complain?

Wet Dog Cafe is one of Favorite affordable date spots.

2. Wet Dog Cafe

144 11th St, Astoria, OR
Brewery · 33 tips and reviews

Commodore Hotel A.Commodore Hotel Astoria: Great food, drinks and a beautiful view of the river! Try sitting on the patio on a nice day, or warm up with a clam chowder bread bowl on those rainy Astorian days.

Astoria Column is one of Favorite affordable date spots.

3. Astoria Column

2199 Coxcomb Dr, Astoria, OR
Monument · 41 tips and reviews

Commodore Hotel A.Commodore Hotel Astoria: A wonderful place for a picnic and some fun. Climb the column for an absolutely breath taking view of all of Astoria, don't forget to grab a wooden airplane from the shop to toss off the top!

Astoria Aquatic Center is one of Favorite affordable date spots.

4. Astoria Aquatic Center

1997 Marine Dr (20th street), Astoria, OR
Swimming Pool · 1 tip

Commodore Hotel A.Commodore Hotel Astoria: Spend a day swimming or just relaxing in the hot tub.

Astoria Coffee House is one of Favorite affordable date spots.

5. Astoria Coffee House

243 11th St, Astoria, OR
Coffee Shop · 35 tips and reviews

Commodore Hotel A.Commodore Hotel Astoria: Amazing coffee and food added to a hip atmosphere make this a great place to be. All of the fresh bakes pastries are to die for.