One of the best Renaissance Festivals I've attended. It's true that everything is bigger in Texas! Awesome food options and exciting shows! The Festival day concludes with a fire show and fireworks!
Stay for the fireworks that closes the festival down each night. Truly amazing show. If you camp over the weekend, Friday night bonfires are a must do.
Amazing. So much to see & do. Print tickets for shorter lines & drive in from the north. Keep small change for tips. The entertainers are worth it. Pirate themed bar was a personal favorite spot
Come and see the Transylvanian Court. Usually in the area by the Polish pub but on ALL HALLOWS EVE we will be by the Gazebo stage. Grandmamá welcomes you! 💋
Buy tickets at the Information Booth just inside the front gate at the festival. You can't reenter the festival after 6pm so if you need to go to your car do it before 6.
The Greek food is the best. Most entertainment is good, but you have to see the Gypsy DanceTheater at the Greek Agora! Fire, Whip Show is a must see also.
Bring cash, comfyshoes, and an appetite! You'll be entertained your entire stay with everything from music and dancing to jousts to shopping. Fun for every age group!
The craft beer selection is big and getting bigger - stop by Brigadoon Brewery for a tour of a working on-premise brewpub. And try one of their many Texas craft beersRead more
Super fun, but getting out of the parking area after the festival kind of sucks all the fun out of it. IF we return, we'll definitely pay the $10 for the special parking.
Honestly - I paid $35 to get into a giant shopping mall with a bunch of really cheap crap from China that cost $8 to make and they sell it for $80. Stop the Elephant rides - it is cruelty!!
Long drive from Houston. Expensive entry (even with discount tickets) and same ole over priced food/drink. Be real careful driving away when you leave. High DWI risk as you drive back to town.
The Texas Renaissance Festival is where the 16th Century come alive every Saturday and Sunday for 8 weekends. Dates include October 6th through November 25th.