Favourite Vancouver Restaurants
Revolver is one of Favourite Vancouver Restaurants.

1. Revolver

325 Cambie St (btwn Hastings & Cordova), Vancouver, BC
Coffee Shop · Gastown · 183 tips and reviews
Maenam is one of Favourite Vancouver Restaurants.

2. Maenam

1938 W 4th Ave (btwn Maple & Cypress), Vancouver, BC
Thai Restaurant · Kitsilano · 35 tips and reviews

EaterEater: Angus An's deft flavour-balancing act of sweet, aromatic, citrus, heat and spice creates great Thai dishes twist. Absurdly cheap; the $10 fermented Thai sausage and rice puff salad. [Eater 38 Member]

Cafe Regalade is one of Favourite Vancouver Restaurants.

3. Cafe Regalade

2836 W 4th Ave (at Macdonald St), Vancouver, BC
French Restaurant · Kitsilano · 15 tips and reviews