Vanessa Brooks Realtor: When you have a family, it's always good to know where the nearest medical center is.. They are attentive, caring, and so helpful here!
Arts and Crafts Store · The Promenade in Temecula · 1 tip
Vanessa Brooks Realtor: This is a huge favorite of ours. Pick your own pottery, paint it, and they'll fire it up for you. It's a great way to spend time together. We had my girl's birthday party here and it was a lot of fun!
Vanessa Brooks Realtor: I stop here often for a drink before I go up into La Cresta. I even grab some quick food with clients. They're always nice and helpful here!
Vanessa Brooks Realtor: Pre-program in your GPS directions from your house to Loma Linda or print and hang in a convenient place in your home. Always good to be prepared!