Marktplatz is one of Basel.

1. Marktplatz

Marktplatz (Freie Strasse), Basel, Basel-Stadt
Plaza · Altstadt Grossbasel · 34 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Visit historic city hall, then go in the market and look for the yellow Eiche truck: it's my dad's godfather Max Eiche's kids who turned the famous Basel butcher shop into a food truck :)

Spalentor is one of Basel.

2. Spalentor

Spalenvorstadt, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Historic and Protected Site · Vorstädte · 12 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: This is the historical city gate.

Petersplatz is one of Basel.

3. Petersplatz

Petersgraben, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Plaza · Universität Basel · 9 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Historic plaza and church, with 14th century houses.

Mittlere Rheinbrücke is one of Basel.

4. Mittlere Rheinbrücke

Mittlere Rheinbrücke, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Bridge · Altstadt Grossbasel · 21 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Famous bridge that links both banks of Basel. You can take a ferry across the Rhein (Rheinfahre) which is a powerless boat, guided by the water.

Münsterplatz is one of Basel.

5. Münsterplatz

Münsterplatz, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Plaza · Altstadt Grossbasel · 14 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Visit the Basler Münster, originally a Catholic cathedral and today a Reformed Protestant church, it was built between 1019 and 1500 in Romanesque and Gothic styles.

Credit Suisse Bankverein is one of Basel.

6. Credit Suisse Bankverein

Structure · Altstadt Grossbasel · 1 tip

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: The original headquarters of the Swiss bank where my grandfather worked.

Zum Braunen Mutz is one of Basel.

7. Zum Braunen Mutz

Barfüsserplatz 10, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Swiss Restaurant · Altstadt Grossbasel · 24 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: When my dad was a kid, he'd go eat dinner there with his parents. Definitely have a pretzel, some beer and a sausage!

Les Trois Rois is one of Basel.

8. Les Trois Rois

Blumenrain 8, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Hotel · Altstadt Grossbasel · 29 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Historic hotel where my grandparents founded a Bridge club.

Läckerli Huus is one of Basel.

9. Läckerli Huus

Gerbergasse 57, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Candy Store · Altstadt Grossbasel · 5 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Home of the famous Basel cookie!

Cafe Spillmann is one of Basel.

10. Cafe Spillmann

Basel, Basel-Stadt
Café · Altstadt Grossbasel · 6 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Have a café or some lunch. It's where my great grandmother Emma hung out :)

Consum Weinbar is one of Basel.

11. Consum Weinbar

Rheingasse 19, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Wine Bar · Altstadt Kleinbasel · 18 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Excellent selection of wine and charcuteries. Great ambience!

Kunstmuseum Basel is one of Basel.

12. Kunstmuseum Basel

St. Alban-Graben 16, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Art Museum · Vorstädte · 34 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Great museum with phenomenal art. Gorgeous Rodin sculpture outside.

Bar Rouge is one of Basel.

13. Bar Rouge

Messeplatz 12, Basel, Basel-Stadt
Cocktail Bar · Rosental · 35 tips and reviews

Kristina S.Kristina Schneider: Amazing bar with a view of the whole city.