Victorian Food lunch recommendations
Devour is one of Victorian Food lunch recommendations.

1. Devour

762 Broughton St (btw Blanshard and Douglas), Victoria, BC
French Restaurant · Downtown Victoria · 8 tips and reviews

2. Lully's Sandwich Bar

732 Broughton St (btw Douglas & Blanshard), Victoria, BC
Sandwich Spot · Downtown Victoria · 4 tips and reviews
Choux Choux Charcuterie is one of Victorian Food lunch recommendations.

3. Choux Choux Charcuterie

830 Fort St (btwn Blanshard and Quadra), Victoria, BC
French Restaurant · Harris Green · 7 tips and reviews
Red Fish Blue Fish is one of Victorian Food lunch recommendations.

4. Red Fish Blue Fish

1006 Wharf St (at Broughton St), Victoria, BC
Fish and Chips Shop · Downtown Victoria · 85 tips and reviews

Imanuel I.Imanuel Ilao: A modern take on fish and chips. Oceanwise premium fish, progressive and traditional dishes, and the best clam chowder in the city. Put the scallop burger on your bucket list.

Hernande'z is one of Victorian Food lunch recommendations.

5. Hernande'z

735 Yates St., Victoria, BC
Mexican Restaurant · Downtown Victoria · 14 tips and reviews

Dave M.Dave Morris: The black bean power: cheapest and tastiest food around.