LOVE THIS PLACE!! Wish I could eat here daily! My favs....You already know SpicyKale, but throw in some Karamu Couscous and Sweet coconutcorn!! Oh my and the Okra and Edemame...Just get everything!!
The punany wrap is the best wrap I've ever had. It's massive so realize $13 is going to get you 3 meals. Also try everything else. VERY good vegetarian. All natural.
Where to start? Plan your meal around leftovers. Get two nori rolls, a side of black-eyed peahummus, a side of half spicy kale salad, and then get your trio plate. Eat the trio plate first.
New Summer Hours! Monday - Thursday: Noon to 9:00PM, Friday Noon to 10:00PM, Saturday Noon to 2:00AM (Late Night Hot Spot) & Sunday Noon to 8:00PM (Live MusicBrunch w/ Mausiki Scales & Friends)!!!
My favorite blemd at Raw Reality is Wakame, The Original SpiceyKale & Moroccon Cous-Cous and of course.Nori Rolls. If you like good food made with love then you will Love Tassili Raw Reality
Raw Reality is an oasis in the desert on so many levels..because of Raw Reality kale has become the new greens in so many peoples "live it" not only that this is the home of the Original SpiceyKale.
we LOVE Tassili's Raw Reality! Be sure to try the Black Love Stew, the scrambled tofu, and a punani wrap (not all at once, because that is a LOT of food)!!!
This place is truly continuing on some type of quantum octave.every time I go they get better..imagine that! I went in and notice that they have launched a, check it, Raw Rewards Virtual Loyalty Card
I'm not done, hold me back, I send a txt msg to the number 72727 & in message section plugged RAWREWARDS & got a virtual card that'll result in a FREE WRAWP OR DINNER