Walked up to the 300 level an had a beer in every bar that was open - during open house. Cool little bars that are enclosed in cool weather where you can still watch the game.
Great place to watch a ballgame. Most of the food is way over priced for the average fan. To me the only worth paying for is a sausage from Kramarck. It is the only food I buy. Beer could be $1 less.
Pork chop on a stick @ the statefair stand is the best food in the park. Also, the restrooms in the metropolitan club for season ticket holders are quiet and clean.
At NachosTacos and Burittos near 105-106 you can get the Grande Nachosvegetarian style. Tell them to ask the chef to put the bean filling for the Veggie Burrito on your nachos instead of beef.
Excellent!! Not a bad seat in the house. Take the light rail, it drops you off right in front of a gate. Be prepared to spend some money, especially on merchandise.
At the Grill above dugout Box 6, they have veggie burgers! And, just down the first base side at the Mexican place, they have veggie burritos! Get your veg on!
Suggest looking for deals on twinsbaseball.com for deals on Target field tours. The history of the Washington Senators to the actual World series trophy to Kirby Puckett's world series ring
Is going to see a LIVE baseball game tomorrow night at 7:10pm its the Minnesota Twins Vs The New York Yankees ..going with my 2 loves Joseph Perlmutter & Donna M Allen :)