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Tango Pastry

Tango Pastry

Bakery and Argentinian Restaurant$$$$
Photos9 Photos
Sacramento (dulce de leche), Medialuna, Rikota, and Tartenegra. Absolutely delicious!
Olinka T.
Olinka T.
April 22, 2023
Sacramento (dulce de leche), Medialuna, Rikota, and Tartenegra. Absolutely delicious!
Medialunas, Medialunas de Grasa (savory), Vigilantes Pañuelitos w/Dulce de Leche, Sacramento, Ochitos w/Quince Jam and Vanilla Cream, Cara Sucia, Ricotta, Estrellas and More.
Tango P.
Tango P.
September 16, 2022
Medialunas, Medialunas de Grasa (savory), Vigilantes Pañuelitos w/Dulce de Leche, Sacramento, Ochitos w/Quince Jam and Vanilla Cream, Cara Sucia, Ricotta, Estrellas and More.
Michael B.
Michael B.
February 19, 2022
Photo taken at Tango Pastry by Michael B. on 2/19/2022
Michael B.
Michael B.
January 16, 2022
Photo taken at Tango Pastry by Michael B. on 1/16/2022
しほ👓 .
しほ👓 .
December 22, 2015
Photo taken at Tango Pastry by しほ👓 . on 12/22/2015
Gabriel H.
Gabriel H.
July 27, 2013
Photo taken at Tango Pastry by Gabriel H. on 7/27/2013
Caz G.
Caz G.
January 4, 2014
Photo taken at Tango Pastry by Caz G. on 1/4/2014
Andrew B.
Andrew B.
March 13, 2013
Photo taken at Tango Pastry by Andrew B. on 3/13/2013
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