SG Venice TO Do'S

1. Punta Della Dogana

Dorsoduro, 2, Venezia, Veneto
Art Gallery · Dorsoduro · 32 tips and reviews

Szymon G.Szymon G: "Must see" in Venice for it's art and architecture

2. St Mark's Basilica

(Basilica di San Marco)
Calle Canonica (San Marco 328), Venezia, Veneto
Church · San Marco · 202 tips and reviews This is one of the best churches in Venice, and an example of the finest Byzantine architecture. Pay attention to the great detail in the mosaic inside and the Horses of St. Mark outside.

3. Museo Correr

Piazza San Marco 52, Venezia, Veneto
Museum · San Marco · 44 tips and reviews This is where you'll find some of the most impressive artworks and artifacts about the history of Venice like those of Antonio Canova. Entrance at St. Mark's Square, Napoleonic Wing. Opens at 10am.

4. Campanile di San Marco

Piazza San Marco, Venezia, Veneto
Monument · San Marco · 98 tips and reviews

Best Western ItaliaBest Western Italia: Il Campanile di San Marco misura 98,6 metri di altezza. Sulla sua sommità si erge un angelo dorato, le cui ali girevoli indicano su quale direzione soffia il vento a quella quota.

5. A Beccafico

Campo Santo Stefano, 2801 (Campo Santo Stefano), Venezia, Veneto
Italian Restaurant · San Marco · 48 tips and reviews

Mdivani M.Mdivani Monroe: Great Restaurant with a Great Menu and Friendly Staff!

Venice Water Taxi is one of SG Venice TO Do'S.

6. Venice Water Taxi

Fondamenta Santa Lucia, 21/a, Venezia, Veneto
Harbor or Marina · Cannaregio · 8 tips and reviews

7. Vodafone Store

San Marco - Rialto 5169-5171, Venezia, Veneto
Electronics Store · San Marco · 6 tips and reviews

Philippe G.Philippe G: 15 EUR for a 1Gb Sim. Available 1 month, prepaid. Great deal for a smartphone or an iPad !

8. MilleVini Enoteca

San Marco, 5362, Venezia, Veneto
Wine Store · San Marco · 5 tips and reviews

Enrica Rocca Cooking School LondonEnrica Rocca Cooking School London: With an amazing choice of Italian wines, it also offers some top French wines and champagnes and recently some new world wines. The shop is at the bottom of the Rialto Bridge on San Bartolomeo side.

9. Ae Oche

Cannaregio, 158/A, Venezia, Veneto
Pizzeria · Cannaregio · 40 tips and reviews

Mohd Nadzri M.Mohd Nadzri Mohd Najib: Tasty and affordable pizza, check it out at pizzaria!

10. Bancogiro

Sotoportego de l'Erbaria, Venezia, Veneto
Italian Restaurant · San Polo · 78 tips and reviews

donnamodernadonnamoderna: Perfetto per una sosta. Sedetevi ai tavolini che danno sul Canal Grande... Read more.

11. Il Paradiso Perduto

Cannaregio, 2540 (Fondamenta de la Misericordia), Venezia, Veneto
Italian Restaurant · Cannaregio · 224 tips and reviews

PIG MAGPIG MAG: Very cute osteria in Venice. Good food and lovely people.

12. Nono Risorto

Sest. S. Croce, 2337, Venezia, Veneto
Pizzeria · San Polo · 51 tips and reviews

Massimiliano S.Massimiliano Sossella: Splendido giardino d'estate, personale eccellente e "alternativo", ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. Sconto agli interisti ;-)

13. Rossopomodoro

San Marco 404 (Calle Larga San Marco), Venezia, Veneto
Pizzeria · San Marco · 594 tips and reviews

Clelia M.Clelia Martino: Ecco il numero telefonico 041 3194930Rossopomodoro San Marco VENEZIA

14. Impronta Caffé

Sestiere Dorsoduro 3815, Venezia, Veneto
Café · San Polo · 42 tips and reviews

Alessio K.Alessio Knox: One of the greatest location in Venice // long waiting it worths!

15. Rialto Bridge

(Ponte di Rialto)
Ponte di Rialto (San Polo), Venezia, Veneto
Bridge · San Marco · 340 tips and reviews

Fila W.Fila Walangitan: Ponte di Rialto or Rialto Bridge is considered as one of the main attraction of Venice. It is the oldest bridge across the Grand Canal..

16. Canal Grande

Canal Grande, Venezia, Veneto
Canal · San Polo · 159 tips and reviews A Venice trip won’t ever be complete without going to the Grand Canal where you can ride water taxis. Have the best time riding vaporettos and gondolas (you can bargain w/ rates). Best during sunset.

Doge's Palace is one of SG Venice TO Do'S.

17. Doge's Palace

(Palazzo Ducale)
Piazza San Marco, Venezia, Veneto
Museum · San Marco · 193 tips and reviews

ParisianGeekParisianGeek: Le palais actuel date de 1340. Jusqu'en 1789, il abritait les doges de Venise et a été une prison.

18. Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Campo San Rocco, Venezia, Veneto
Art Museum · San Polo · 27 tips and reviews

Smart Hotel MediterraneoSmart Hotel Mediterraneo: beauty is in the ceiling: If you carry a mirror you do not miss anything!

19. Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Sestiere San Polo, 2999, Venezia, Veneto
Church · San Polo · 34 tips and reviews

Tim B.Tim Bradshaw: Incredible array of tombs, memorials, altars, carved wooden choir stalls, a Titian and a Donatello sculpture. Not bad going for one church.

20. Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

Campo della Salute (Dorsoduro 1), Venezia, Veneto
Church · Dorsoduro · 63 tips and reviews

RedBiteRedBite: don't let anyone ask you for money, it's a free entrance.

21. Dal Moro‘s Fresh Pasta To Go

Calle de la Casseleria, 5324 (Calle de la Passion), Venezia, Veneto
Italian Restaurant · Castello · 611 tips and reviews

Basim F.Basim Felemban: Was really starving for this place after reading the reviews from ... we didn't eat since morning while driving from Florence to Venice just to catch the taste of Pasta

22. Ae Oche

Dorsoduro, 1414 (Zattere), Venezia, Veneto
Pizzeria · Dorsoduro · 33 tips and reviews

Elisa N.Elisa Nope: Pizza is quite good and the prices are reasonable. Ask for the homemade beer.

Murano is one of SG Venice TO Do'S.

23. Murano

Venezia, Veneto
Island · 136 tips and reviews

Elite Club VacanzeElite Club Vacanze: We suggest you, of course, to go to the wonderful island of Murano, famous for its glasswork where you can find all kinds of multi-colored glass souvenirs.

24. Museo di San Marco

Piazza San Marco 7, Venezia, Veneto
Museum · San Marco · 12 tips and reviews

Hotel Locanda Al PiaveHotel Locanda Al Piave: Ancient mosaics and tapestries are part of the museum's collection, the museum tells the history of Venice. Do not miss.

25. Burano Island

(Isola di Burano)
Venezia, Veneto
Island · 191 tips and reviews

Ostello V.Ostello Venezia: The most colorful Island of the Venetian Lagoon

26. Hostaria Vite Rossa

Via Pietro Bembo, 34, Mestre, Veneto
Italian Restaurant · 73 tips and reviews

Filippo M.Filippo Malvezzi: if you are a tourist and if you want to visit Venice, you can have lunch here and then you can take bus number 4 to Venice (the bus stop is in Corso Del Popolo, right there).

27. Cappella degli Scrovegni

Piazza Eremitani, 8, Padova, Veneto
Art Museum · 44 tips and reviews

DáriusDárius: You need to book your visit in advance, and then wait 15 minutes in climate-controlled room to adapt to conditions in Giotto frescs chamber

28. Ponte dell'Accademia

Ponte dell'Accademia, Venezia, Veneto
Bridge · San Marco · 65 tips and reviews

Ann M.Ann Marie: There are only 3 bridges across the Grand Canal, each is unique, there are toilets under the steps. People have been putting padlocks on the bridge.

29. Ottico Graziano

Venezia, Veneto
Retail · No tips or reviews