JoobuSalmon Salad is the best here. Other sushis are yummy too (ˆڡˆ). A lot of promo here : CC, folow twitter, bday, special discount, special employees, etc. \(´▽`)/
Waktu pergi malam sekitar jam stgh 8 nya banyak nyamuk, padahal tempat indoor. Pelayanannya ramah, tp makanan yg dipesan kadang lama kluar nya. Overall good :)
terakhir kesana makanannya ga sesuai orderan dan lamaaaa datengnya klo supervisor ga ada ordernya lelet keluar trus sama aja ga bisa all uoh can eat atuh!!!!
Sushi Joobu - provides you with Chef Toar Christopher signature dishes based on his International experiences in USA, Australia, and Indonesia in over 30 restaurants since 1996
Sushi Joobu featured in Anteve, Trans 7, Trans TV, MNC, Global TV