Worth checking out and you can even sit through hearings (if you get there early). Just note that they don't allow any pictures in the actual courtroom and they're quite particular about this. :(
Look up at the quote on the facade: “Equal Justice Under Law” and repeat after Thurgood Marshall. The first African American Supreme Court Justice said “I hope...” everyday while climbing the steps.
Loved seeing it in Winter all covered in snow👀. And the squirrels lets not forget the little critters that are always hanging about. Gave me quite a fright when I first saw them🙊
Chief Justice John G Roberts & Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G Breyer, Samuel A Alito, and Elena Kagan, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia (repl by Neil Gorsuch '17), Anthony Kennedy, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Be sure to check out the gift shop in the basement! Also the food here is pretty good so if your looking for somewhere to eat on the mall look no further!
After the federal government was established in Washington, the court was housed in a basement room in the US Capitol until 1929, when Chief Justice Taft argued successfully for their own building.
The marble used for the columns inside the courtroom were shipped from Italy and Spain. The marble used elsewhere in the court was shipped from Alabama.
Conservatives think it's too liberal and liberals think it's too conservative. The Court has to be at least somewhat mindful of public opinion in order to maintain its own legitimacy.
There have been four female Supreme Court Justices, but Sandra Day O'Connor was the first- and she was nominated by President Reagan on July 7, 1981. She was sworn in on September 25 of the same year.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.