Come here for your neighborhoodhot dog fix! Star Wars posters & action figures adorned everywhere, a Super NES ready to play, & hot dog toppings even the Empire would be pleased with. Gorilla Mac #1!
I lived in Chicago for almost two decades, and Steve's "Chicago style" hot dog is better than any Chicago style dog I ever had there. And I include Hot Doug's in that.
Steves Hot Dogs Tower Grove East location opens up at 4 o'clock today! just one block east of Grand on Magnolia Avenue. Cold beer and Hot Dogs. Open late till 1:30 am too!
Love the casual, eclectic, Star Wars themed atmosphere of this place. The Gorilla hot dog is delicious! Seems like the perfect place to eat at on a nice summer evening
Our upcoming weekly special is Indigogo donor, Jason Water's, "Oh Baby I Like it Slaw" Dog. Topped with ground and roast beef chili sauce and crispy sweet vinegar slaw.
Fans of Steve’s hot dogs on The Hill will be receiving the gift of flavor, thanks to social media, they’re expanding to Tower Grove East off Magnolia. Steve Ewing is also known as the front man for seminal St. Louis rock and ska band, The Urge...