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- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 14, 2011As one’s meditation grows increasingly intense, the postures correspondingly gain in perfection. ~Sri Anandamayi Ma
- Mindy ArbuckleOctober 1, 2010October 1st. Wow! One year in our new facility! THANK YOU! to all who have been on this journey with us. We are here for you now & always.
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 21, 2011In the days before his death, his Aunt Luisa asked him if he had made his peace with God. His answer was "I did not know we had ever quarreled, Aunt." ~Biography of Thoreau
- Mindy ArbuckleSeptember 3, 2010Bring more balance and harmoney into your life. Attend Scott's Balance Workshop on Sunday, September 12. Register today. Only $25.
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 18, 2011As long as we live our lives without engaging in the process of self-discover, we never awaken and realize our full potential.
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 22, 2011If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem. ~Robert Anthony
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 12, 2011We are not meant to resolve all contradictions but to live with them and rise above them. --William Blake
- Mindy ArbuckleSeptember 16, 2010Help us win! Last chance to vote for GMY in the 7News A-List for Denver's Best Yoga Studio! Help us reach #1! Vote now. Voting ends 9/17/10
- Mindy ArbuckleDecember 3, 2010Focus on 7th Chakra-Sahasrara & The Subtle Body in tomorrow's Kundalini Yoga Class with Marrana at 10:30 (Sat) at Green Mountain Yoga.
- Mindy ArbuckleDecember 17, 2010New Year's Day Sun, Moon & Earth WS with Minday & Erin. Bring in 2011 right with this beautiful practice. Annual event fills up every year!
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 25, 2011The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new. --Pena Chodron
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 29, 2011Who am I who speaks, walks, stands and functions on this elaborate stage known as the world? I should find this out. --Yoga Vasishta
- Mindy ArbuckleJanuary 29, 2011The mind is like the win and the body is like the sand; if you want to know how the wind is blowing, you can look at the sand.
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 1, 2011What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion. ~Sri Aurobindo
- Mindy ArbuckleDecember 10, 2010Focus on The Aura & the Soul Body in tomorrow's Kundalini Yoga Class with Marrana at 10:30 (Saturday) at Green Mountain Yoga.
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 16, 2011Beyond ambition, beyond attainment, is home. Contentment, without content; peace, uncaused. --A.H. Almaas
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 15, 2011Meditation is your intrinsic nature - it is you. It has nothing to do with your doings; you cannot have it, you cannot have it, it cannot be possessed, it is not a thing, it is you. ~Osho
- Mindy ArbuckleJanuary 30, 2011Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it! ~Ram Dass
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 19, 2011The Yoga we practice is not for ourselves alone, but for the liberation and transfformation of the human being. --Sri Aurobindo
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 17, 2011Non attachment is not a suppression of emotions, but a joyful experience of them as a part of the wholeness which is the Self.
- Mindy ArbuckleDecember 22, 2010New Year's Day Sun, Moon & Earth WS with Mindy & Erin. Bring in 2011 right with this beautiful practice. Annual event fills up every year!
- Mindy ArbuckleSeptember 10, 2010Again and again ~ Return like mountain ~ Release like ocean ~ Relax like sky ~ And rest ~ Rest in the heart of pure awareness.
- Mindy ArbuckleOctober 1, 2010Heal your body from the inside out with Jesse Dammann and the 6 healing sounds workkshop. 10/16 at 12:30, $25. Register early!
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 29, 2010Help us win! Vote today for GMY in the 7News A-List top business contest as Denver's Best Yoga Studio! Help us reach #1! Vote now.
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 1, 2011Now the Lord is that spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! --II Corinthians 3.17
- Mindy ArbuckleNovember 29, 2010Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra with 2 of CO's finest yoga teachers this Saturday, 12/4 at 2:00 at GMY. Free to YTOC members, $20 non-members.
- Mindy ArbuckleAugust 25, 2010Q: There are several asanas. Which of them is the best?Ramana Maharshi: Nididhyasana- One-pointedness of the mind is the best posture.
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 28, 2011When the movement in the direction of becoming something other than what you are isn’t there anymore, you are not in conflict with yourself.
- Mindy ArbuckleNovember 12, 2010Last chance to heal your energy body this year w/ Mindy at the Chakra Yoga event this Sun 11/14 at 1:00. $30 will balance and energize you!
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 6, 2011Ever thought of being a yoga teacher?! Or maybe you would like to deepen your yoga practice? Teacher Training with a retreat Starts August 5!
- Mindy ArbuckleJanuary 28, 2011Karla's February Massage Special: Free 15 minutes of Reflexology added to any 1 hour or longer massage.
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 1, 2011A Buddha-like mind, trained inward comes from steady practice. With focused mind, the path to self knowledge appears.
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 30, 2010Build a solid foundation in your life in order to manifest your dreams. Register for your next yoga class.
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 26, 2010Do you need to de-stress? Beth is available for massage this Sunday from 12:30-3:00. Call now to schedule! 303.421.4131.
- Mindy ArbuckleNovember 12, 2010You are invited to our next VIDEO SHOOT! Mon, Nov 15, 2-4 pm. We are creating a 90 second video for YELP. Wear yoga clothes and a smile!
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 15, 2010Last day to get your bids in on all our great silent auction items. We appreciate your support of our training scholarship fund!
- Mindy ArbuckleDecember 17, 2010Kundalini Yoga focus is Warm Ups with Surya Namaskar & 2 Meditations. Join Marrana Saturday at 10:30 at Green Mountain Yoga.
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 14, 2011Purity, patience and perserverance are 3 essentials for success, and above all, LOVE.
- Mindy ArbuckleSeptember 2, 2010Labor Day Weekend we are open for all classes! Monday, 9/6, we will hold one class only at 9:00 am. Register early!
- Mindy ArbuckleJanuary 27, 2011What if you were stronger & healthier than ever? Yoga can help you be your very best. Free Reinvigorate Your Practice, 2/6, 4:30pm. Call to register
- Mindy ArbuckleAugust 2, 2011We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love. --Mother Teresa
- Mindy ArbuckleJanuary 28, 2011Are great things ever done smoothly? Time, patience and indomitable will must show. ~Swami Vivekananda
- Mindy ArbuckleMay 31, 2011Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after. --Henry David Thoreau
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 19, 2011Practice yoga with mindfulness rather than determination to bring awareness to the prana, vitality, in our bodies.
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 13, 2011If something is boring after 2 minutes, try it for 4. If it is still boring try it for 8, 16, 32, and so on. Eventually one discovers that it’s not boring at all but very interesting. ~John Cage
- Mindy ArbuckleNovember 3, 2010I'd love to invite all of you and your friends to our free classes this weekend! Click here for a schedule.
- Mindy ArbuckleOctober 4, 2010Kids Yoga 4 week after school series. Wednesdays, 3:45-4:45, begins October 20, $40. Two age groups, K-2 and 3-6 grades. Call to register.
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 4, 2011Illness is not cured by saying the word “medicine,” but by taking medicine. Enlightenment is not achieved by repeating the word “God,” but by directly experiencing God. ~Sankara
- Mindy ArbuckleDecember 17, 2010New Clothes from BePresent arrived yesterday! Just in time for Crhistmas! Check out the new red & graphite pants & soft long sleeve tees!
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