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- Mindy ArbuckleApril 20, 2011It is the concrete, specific awareness of one’s own act of moving which is so satisfying. Something more is needed than simply body mechanics, that the feelings hidden in the body, the source of all i
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 6, 2011You Call It Yoga Join us Friday 4/8 @ 5:30 pm for Happy Hour Yoga. This week will be "You Call It Yoga." Come to class with a pose or two that you enjoy or want to focus on. West will weave each p
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 22, 2011In the mirror of the awakened teacher's clear seeing, I could better know my higher sense and my true inner nature. I had distorted picture of myself, and perhaps you have one of yourself. These inval
- Mindy ArbuckleMay 8, 2011The singularity that creates the cosmos is, like the zygote or the seed of a tree, the cause of the dualistic being it creates, which is the effect. In the words of my teacher, Vimalananda, “cause is
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 4, 2011Know thou the self (atman) as riding in a chariot, the body as the chariot. Know thou the intellect (buddhi) as the chariot driver, and the mind as the reins. The sense, they say are the horses; the o
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 20, 2011In the Lord of Yoga is the incomparable seed of omniscience. Being unconditioned by time, he is the teacher of even the ancient teachers. Its sound is the reverberating syllable AUM. Repetition of thi
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 31, 2011In the first stage, when the heart chakra is pierced, we hear tinkling sounds like jewels in the space of the heart in the center of the body. As soon as these sounds become audible in the (interior)
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 10, 2011Repose is the secret of all contemplation and meditation, the secret of getting in tune with that aspect of life which is the essence of all things. When one is not accustomed to take repose, one does
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 25, 2011From the conversation and the books of some of my friends I have been almost led to conclude that happiness in the modern world has become an impossibility. I find, however, that this view tends to be
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 24, 2011The Soul of mine within the heart is smaller than a grain a rice, or a barley-corn, or a mustard seed, or a grain of millet, or the kernel of a grain of millet; this Soul of mine within the heart is g
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 11, 2011The ritual process creates the safety, the predictable, the known. It may be the movements, chants, or song that the group creates to start and end; it is a statment which acts as the container for ch
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 6, 2011First you have to master yourself and then you will become teachers. Teacher is very open, a public park where anybody can walk in; so teacher has to be very clean. Your conduct has to be crystal cl
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 29, 2011We do not inspire and expire fully and entirely enough, so that the wave, the comber, of each inspiration shall break upon our extremest shores, rolling till it meets the sand which bounds us, and the
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 12, 2011Delicious breath blows through this body, soft like crushed rose petal dust. Transparent bones land on mat. Familiar dog folding forward and back, snake the spine around this heart. No tomorrow no (to
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 6, 2011Sit bones connect to earth. Spine stretches towards East and West, towards the new day ahead. The exhale extends, releasing what binds me. I take refuge here, gazing at the front of my legs. Not much
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 18, 2011There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique. And if you block it,
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 1, 2011Ganesha is sometimes mistakenly thought of as the “remover” of obstacles. It is more accurate to recognize him as Vighnesha, the “Lord of Obstacles.” He may remove them, or he may pose them. He may op
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 8, 2011Shanti Yogis! This month, our Meditation Circle is focusing in on the first chakra. Don't miss this wonderfully grounding meditative experience on April 21st! You can RSVP by phone, in person, or onli
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 8, 2011In the secret cave of the heart, two are seated by life’s fountain. The separate ego drinks of the sweet and bitter stuff, Liking the sweet, disliking the bitter, While the supreme Self drinks swee
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 6, 2011Greetings friends! We have a real treat coming up at Green Mountain Yoga--don't miss Big Bliss, a restore workshop hosted by Mindy Arbuckle and Diane Thomas. Mark your calendars for April 17th! You ca
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 28, 2011The Hindu believes that every soul is a circle whose circumference is nowhere, but whose center is located in the body, and that death means the change of this center from body to body. --Swami Viveka
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 30, 2011Inspiration is like an inspiration from God himself. Retention (of breath) is some sort of meditation, because you are with Him. Exhalation is some sort of movement towards God, an retention after exh
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 22, 2011Through prana the Gods live, and so do also the men and the animal kingdom. Those who worship prana come to live the full span of their life. --Taittiriya Upanishad
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 2, 2011Let the five senses and the mind they serve become still. Let awareness itself cease all activity and become watchful. Then you have begun your journey oon e highest path. --Katha Upanishad
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 23, 2011We can sit in a temple or a cave in India and get so holy, so clear and radiant, the light is pouring out of us. But when we come out of that cave, our old habit patterns tend to reappear, and we come
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 23, 2011He who knows self as the enjoyer of the honey from the flowers of the senses, ever present within, ruler of time, goes beyond fear. For this self is supreme! --The Vedas
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 4, 2011Om: You are all the pervading source of light. Sustainer, protector, and bestower of happiness, may this supreme consciousness illuminate my intellect that I may realize my inherent oneness with That.
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 28, 2011The hardest metal yields to sufficient heat. Even so must the hardest heart melt before the heat of non-violence. And there is no limit to the capacity of non-violence to generate heat. –Mahatma Gandh
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 25, 2011Inspiration is like an inspiration from God himself. Retention (of breath) is some sort of meditation, because you are with Him. Exhalation is some sort of movement towards God, and retention after ex
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 22, 2011Perhaps the most direct route to yoga, bhakti, is the yoga of devotion and the yoga of love. Surrendering to the Divine and serving God consumes the bhakta (one who practices bhakti). On this path of
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 7, 2011Special Happy Hour Series Join us each Friday 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, for a mini-series during Happy Hour Yoga @ 5:30 pm. We will focus on 4-6 poses chosen by the class. In each posture, we will bre
- Mindy ArbuckleJanuary 31, 2011Yoga integration brings the breath, body and mind together in a seamless practice of one pointed concentration. It reweaves the yarn of the mind, and channels its many modifications into wholeness. T
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 20, 2011Observe your mood before and after yoga practice. Most of us feel better after practice. Our bodies feel open, our minds clear. Our ability to concentrate, and experience love also increases through t
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 14, 2011We can be spacious yet full of loving kindness; full of compassion yet serene. Live like the strings of a fine instrument-not too taught but not too loose. ~The Buddha
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 15, 2011Join us to discover the happiness that meditation can bring to you & your life. 6:00pm Thursday, 2/17 at Green Mountain Yoga. No meditation experience needed. $20
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 27, 2011Often we listen to a cat with more precision than we listen to our body. We cherish the cat. It purrs. Our body may have to release a scream, a symptom, to be heard by us at all. Too often our soul ca
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 20, 2011Someday, after masterng the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the hstory of the world, man will have discovered fir
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 19, 2011We can take yoga to the level of socially engage, and environmentally relevant practice, as well as tune into the energies of various animal souls when we practice. The next time that you practice dog
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 24, 2011The teacher is a friend. Someone you can trust, simply a friend, not the capital T teacher that spirituality would have us believe. This notion is fraught with the imbalance of power of someone knowin
- Mindy ArbuckleJune 15, 2011The yoga we practice is not for ourselves alone, but for the Divine; its aim is to work out the will of the Divine in the world. Its object is not personal Mukti, but the liberation and transformation
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 27, 2011If one thinks of oneself as free, one is free, and if one thinks of oneself as bound, one is bound. Here, this saying is true, “Thinking makes it so”. --Ashtavakra Gita
- Mindy ArbuckleMay 9, 2011Anything that happens in the present moment is necessary. So, if someone is doing meditation, I just say continue with the meditation. If you are doing yoga, continue with the yoga. --Ramesh Balsekar
- Mindy ArbuckleMay 16, 2011I am the father of the universe And its mother, essence and goal Of all knowledge, the refiner, The sacred Om, and the threefold Vedas. --Bhagavad Gita
- Mindy ArbuckleApril 27, 2011I am the father of the universe and its mother, essence and goal of all knowledge, the refiner, the sacred Om, and the threefold Vedas. --Bhagavad Gita
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 28, 2011Another important dimension in yoga is learning how to “play the edge.” It is psychologically easier to move forward than to back off. But it’s as important to learn to move back if your edge closes,
- Mindy ArbuckleJuly 14, 2011Though old age comes to the body, the lotus of the heart does not grow old. It does not die with the death of the body. The lotus of the heart, where Brahman resides in all his glory--that, and not th
- Mindy ArbuckleMarch 9, 2011Setting an intention for each yoga session increases mental focus, and results in a strong practice. Intentions can be general, specific, abstract, or concrete. You might think of them as little pray
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- Mindy ArbuckleApril 10, 2011Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice (of religious ritual). Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results (of one's actions), because there
- Mindy ArbuckleFebruary 3, 2011Cranes perch, birds fly.Wind up for takeoff, and transform your body into a high-flying bird.Thoughts cease in that second of pure conciousness in blissful flight.Use your arms as pillars to hold u
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