A must-visit if you're looking for comedy. They have celebrity and guest headliners; check their website for tickets and arrive early. The drinks are pretty pricey but the laughs are worth it.
2012 Best of Phoenix Winner: Best Place to See a Comedy Show! A virtual "who's who" of comics has graced the stage at the upscalelaugh den along with a multitude of memorable moments! Read more
Big place but you're packed in like sardines! So, unless you make a reservation (added cost) be prepared to get cozy w/ strangers. *2 drink minimum* Order bottomless iced tea to reduce bar bill.
So the last tip said to sit with darleen cause she rocks and has re drinks and food out FAST, well it was right she had my pretzels an drinks out with in 5 min. And this place is busy. Good job Darlen
2 Drink minimum is pretty standard for comedy clubs, don't know why everyone is bitching so much about it. Yes a little slow but did you still have fun? Plus isn't this better than Tempe Improve? YEP!
The food is average, the service is not so good, it's all way overpriced and the "video intro" is pretty lame, but Hey! Comedy! There are some great local stand ups and famous people coming through.
This place is horrible, refused to accommodate my handicapped wife, insisted that she stand in line at the bottom of 3 flights of stairs. She relies on a walker for F**ks sake. Never again!
The server asked about our second drink as soon as we ordered our first!! Also...I told our server I would leave a cash tip and he didn't tell me gratuity was already included on my card. Shady.