Yankee Stadium Insider

Yankee Stadium Insider


Sure, you can share your tips on the official Yankee Stadium page, but this is the page for INSIDER tips. Nothing obvious here, only the nitty gritty, absolute best deals, secrets and underground information about Yankee Stadium. If you have any tips that NEED to be up here, contact Ross: @StadiumInsider ross at nyystadiuminsider dot com

Yankee Stadium, The Bronx
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Yankee Stadium Insider
9 places updated April 22, 2012
All of the places in and around Yankee Stadium that you shouldn't miss. Will add to this list regularly!
Yankee Stadium Insider
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Yankee Stadium Insider
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    "A great place to enjoy the majestic (and expensive) structure that is Yankee Stadium III. Don't miss the BRAND NEW Torrisi brothers "Parm Stand" for awesome $14 meatball or turkey sandwiches."
    Yankee Stadium InsiderYankee Stadium Insider · August 15, 2011
    · Bronx, United States
    "Stop by section 120a on the field level concourse and say hello to Yankee Stadium's most friendly security guard - Chris "Smoov" Johnson. Some great standing room views of the field from here too!"
    Yankee Stadium InsiderYankee Stadium Insider · August 15, 2011
    · Bronx, United States
    "If you want your postgame drinking spot to be kind of like a club/lounge, this is the place for you. Warning - Jersey Shore wannabes often frequent this establishment."
    Yankee Stadium InsiderYankee Stadium Insider · August 15, 2011
    Sports Bar
    · Bronx, United States
    "If you like your bars dive-ey, this is the place for you. The bar is steeped in history and oftentimes, the crowd is raucous and drunk. A good time after a big win."
    Yankee Stadium InsiderYankee Stadium Insider · August 15, 2011
    Sports Bar
    · Bronx, United States
    "If you tell the security guards that you're there to see Bald Vinny, they'll let you down into the section - even if you don't have a ticket for section 203."
    Yankee Stadium InsiderYankee Stadium Insider · August 15, 2011
    · Bronx, United States
    "Until the 7th inning, you can exit the stadium through The Hard Rock Cafe, get your hand stamped and then RE-ENTER the stadium. This is the only spot to exit and re-enter the stadium."
    Yankee Stadium InsiderYankee Stadium Insider · August 15, 2011
    Theme Restaurant
    · Bronx, United States