"Have fun, meet new people and yes.. check in, tweet, ask questions and be as social as you are!"
Event Space
· Portland, United States
"Happy Social Media Day! Join us here as we celebrate, June 30 at 7:30 pm. Use #smday when you tweet!"
· Portland, United States
7.6"We like @SteMichelle on Twitter! Check out their page for upcoming tweetups/events and info on their outdoor Summer Concert Series. They also answer back! Like it!"
· Woodinville, United States
8.8"Follow @ArgosyCruises on Twitter to learn what Argosy is up to. Plus sometimes you can get a great Twitter special or win free tix!"
Boat / Ferry
· Seattle, United States
"Drop by Studio 1000 (the lounge of Hotel 1000) on June 30 for Social Media Day Meetup! 7-9 pm."
· Seattle, United States