I adore this place... ❤ There are so many brands I like in there, that I find myself needing to optimise my trips up from Columbia just to shop comfortably. Plus the selections are way more diverse.
Whether you want to do some serious shopping or just people watch, this is where you want to be. SouthPark has the only Neiman Marcus and full-line Crate & Barrel in the Carolinas.
Absolutely beeeee-autiful mall :) High end stores like Hermes as well as affordable stores like Banana Republic. And a pop up See's Candies store for Valentines Day? LOVE it!
While you are at SouthPark stop in to the Cowfish restaurant! It has gotten some great reviews recently by local Charlotte media. It's a fusion of burgers and sushi!!
See's Candies are famous throughout the West Coast, but there's a store here! Pick up these sweet treats whenever you need a gift for a teacher/coach/mentor, parent, family member, or guy.
Don't get ran over in the parking lot. Or inside by the mobs of people who have more money than brains. If they do run into you, trip them and slap their first born. Work everytime.
Welcome to SouthPark where you'll find more of what you're looking for at the Carolina’s premier shopping destination with over 150+ stores, serving the communities of Charlotte, its surrounding counties as well as cities in North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia...