"My ideal breakfast is a bowl of oatmeal, 3 eggs, whole wheat toast, a banana and a glass of grapefuit juice. What are are YOU eating for breakfast?"- Doug, Boxing trainer @South Florida Boxing
Stressed??? Breathe. Stretch. Learn to say NO. Drink lots of water. And Recharge with a 1 hour class at South Florida Boxing - the best 1 hour workout in all of Miami. Southfloridaboxing.com
Tired? Remember that New Year resolution? We fill your mind with potential, your body with power, and your soul with pride…a Real Gym, for Real People with Real Results. Southfloridaboxing.com
Great recipe! Share your favs with us. Post 'em here!http://fabfitfun.com/recipes-from-koi-skinny-cocktail?utm_source=FabFitFun&utm_campaign=a96eb7a698-20110922_koirecipes&utm_medium=email
Kids are back in school! And Kids love South Florida Boxing! FUN AND FITNESS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!!! Full schedule and more info at southfloridaboxing.com
TRAINER TIP..."Set goals in stages as opposed to one big goal. They will keep you motivated as you move toward the big one."-Andrew (RITE fitness trainer)
Don't drink water during your meal - only before or after. During u utilize the digestive enzymes needed to breakdown your food. Same goes with chewing gum - no good
Is this what women really think?http://fabfitfun.com/he-is-how-he-eats?utm_source=FabFitFun&utm_campaign=0f8cb84f32-20110927_howheeats&utm_medium=email