Hi everyone! Im sinner... ((Hello...sinner!)) Now that intro is done Check this out: http://m.oneplace.com/ministries/love-worth-finding/play/9/how-you-can-be-sure-you-are-eternally-secure-297007.mp3
A man was reading his Bible during a church sermon & kept shouting thank u Jesus! Praise GOD! A greeter said sir, u need to stop now! But I just found Jesus he said. Not here u didnt said the greeter!
The devil is subtle, deceptive, and sly; he's clever and tricks us to swallow his lie. But his cunning methods we're sure to discern, by making God's warnings our daily concern. --D. De HaanRead more
The physics equation explaining one of the deepest areas of man's knowledge--the relationship between time and space in the universe--is expressed in very simple terms: E=mc2. Read more
Pray this prayer, Father in heaven. I realize I have sinned against You and that Your only Son Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. I accept Christ now as my Lord/Savior. Forgive me Jesus, amen. Read more
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (1 John 1:14)
99.1 JOY FM, "Desiring obedience above all, we will use Christian Music as a means of encouraging believers, uniting the body of Christ and sharing the clear, life-changing message of Jesus" Read more
In case of nuclear war, volcanic eruption, hurricane, or some other type of natural disaster...the ban on school prayer will be temporarily lifted. (Gotta love sarcastic humor:-)
When I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior I suddenly felt the powerful love of God and instantly knew I was saved thru Christ and heaven bound. Christ loves you..all of you! He's knocking on ur door Read more
Many of us have developed hard feelings towards our Fathers because of the events in our early lives, and I was one of them. If that's you also, try listening to this... Read more
Listen to our NIV audio Bible from any location: driving to work, on your lunch break, or even on the treadmill. You'll love it! Just click and it plays. (Cell phone friendly) Read more
Wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters! We are all on a collision course with the antichrist and close to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The question is, are you ready? Read more
All sunshine makes a desart. Good one to remember on those bad days. The Lord uses trials to shape and mold Christians into better Christians. So keep smiling--either way ur still heaven bound! Smile!
In this race we call Christian faith, it's not important to stay in front of all the others the entire time--the most important part of the race is to fight a good fight so we finish. Read more
Sgt. Savage's 4square friends list has reach it max. If you'd like to follow Soldier please visit his 4square page and click on "Follow". Click below to navigate there today. God Bless! Read more
Active habbits are strengthened through repetition, but passive ones are weakened. Start by sharing the Gospel once a day--then see how your love for Christ grows as well as sharing it...
Thoughts of worry indicate we're heading down the wrong path. The Lord convicts us thru His Holy Spirit when believers make wrong choices. The worry will go once we let the Lord lead.
"God's time is now, for the days fly fast,And swiftly the seasons roll;Today is yours, it may be your last;Choose life for you priceless soul!" Read more
We're saved by grace through faith alone, good works can have no part; but God rewards each loving deed, that's done with all our heart. --D. De HaanRead more
"One of the greatest test in life is not how you react when you're punished for doing wrong, but how you react when you're persecuted for doing right." (Dr. Adrian Rogers)
We become so busy meeting the conditions of men that we forget about the laws of God. Live each day with the Lord Jesus as your guide and you will be blessed.
Here, you'll hear the two doctors who found the so called "Jesus Tomb" say they do not believe their finding is the actual tomb of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Read more
God's time is now, for the days fly fast,And swiftly the seasons roll;Today is yours, it may be your last;Choose life for you priceless soul! Read more
Lord, as I walk my path of life, help my feet step straight and true; That those who follow after me, Will be tracking straight with You.--Egner Read more
Want to follow Soldier For Lord Jesus Christ on foursquare? Just click "ADD AS FRIEND" and you're on your way. Thanks for stopping by and may God bless you in Jesus Christ name, amen.
Want to listen to the best daily Christian sermons? Checkout Soldier's Favorite Daily Sermons on Facebook. I do all the picking...you do all the listening:-) Read more
Watch the "Resurrection on Trial" right here and see the evidence of Jesus Christ's resurrection put to the test as it's examined courtroom style. You're jaw will definitely drop... Read more
Soldier's Mail Call--> Petition in Support of Israel Taking Action Against a Nuclear Iran. Sign today and demand we start protecting the Jewish people from this historical trend of slaughter... Read more
Richard Sternberg was "targeted for retaliation and harassment" then fired by the Smithsonian Institute from his research associate position in retaliation for his views in support of creationism.
Soldier's Mail Call--> Bible Translators decide to remove terms "Father" & "Son" from Gospel--strategic move to end Christian lines of communication for true Gospel of Christ. Read more
There is coming a time with the anti-christ will dominate. The Bible warns of this horrific time to come. Learn about the what that time will be like during the reign of 666 and how to avoid. Read more
"Lies in the Textbooks" on YouTube is too...AWESOME not to watch! Has some much detail on Creation facts and about scientific lies place in school textbooks. Read more
Burn a few calories by laughing ur booty off at this big 6'2"/220 lbs Soldier For Lord Jesus Christ as I takeoff in a USAF Learjet for the first time. Watch for the video pop-up remark:-) Read more
Romans 7:24) What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? www.oneplace.com/ministries/grace-to-you/listen/the-believer-and-indwelling-sin-part-2-270400.html Read more