Geronimo is one of Japan!.

1. Geronimo

六本木7-14-10 (山室ビル 2F), 東京, 東京都
Cocktail Bar · 六本木 · 18 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Popular ex-pat shot bar. Take down 15 shots and you get a plaque on the wall. Think twice before banging the drum.

Shabuzen is one of Japan!.

2. Shabuzen

神山町10-8, 渋谷区, 東京都
Shabu-Shabu Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Great shabu-shabu and sukiyaki in Shibuya. Not busy, great service.

New York Bar is one of Japan!.

3. New York Bar

西新宿3-7-1-2 (パークハイアット東京 52F), 新宿区, 東京都
Hotel Bar · 169 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: If you don't meet their dress code, don't fret. They'll lend you shorts, shoes, whatever you need. Free of charge!

Meiji Jingu Shrine is one of Japan!.

4. Meiji Jingu Shrine

代々木神園町1-1, 東京, 東京都
Shrine · 明治神宮 · 223 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Take a leisurely stroll through the park and visit the shrine. When you get thirsty, head over to the Park Hyatt for a cocktail at New York Bar.

Tsukiji Market is one of Japan!.

5. Tsukiji Market

築地5-2-1, 東京, 東京都
Market · 築地 · 269 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: 4:30am is too late! Get there by 4am to be guaranteed a spot in the auction.

Tram is one of Japan!.

6. Tram

恵比寿西1-7-13 (スイングビル 2F), 東京, 東京都
Cocktail Bar · 恵比寿 · 24 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Cozy absinthe bar

BottayaSan is one of Japan!.

7. BottayaSan

恵比寿1-25-5, 東京, 東京都
Okonomiyaki Restaurant · 恵比寿 · 4 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: bring friends and try out all the different styles of okonomiyaki. wash it all down with a chilled mug of Kirin.

Tsutaya Books is one of Japan!.

8. Tsutaya Books

(代官山 蔦屋書店)
猿楽町17-5 (代官山T-SITE), 渋谷区, 東京都
Bookstore · Daikanyama · 187 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Awesome bookstore! Head upstairs to the cafe, grab a comfy leather chair, and just let the hours pass you by.

OATH is one of Japan!.


渋谷4-5-9 (青山ビル 1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Night Club · 12 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Hip little bar with plenty of space to chill outside in the empty street. Ladies, for some reason, there are mostly men here. Enjoy!

Yoroniku is one of Japan!.

10. Yoroniku

南青山6-6-22 (ルナロッサ南青山 B1F), 東京, 東京都
BBQ Joint · 西麻布 · 26 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Splurge on the set course. Well worth it! And if you aren't an intestines lover, they'll swap them out for larger cuts of normal meat, like tongue and heart.

Wendy's 表参道店 is one of Japan!.

11. Wendy's 表参道店

神宮前5-8-7, 東京, 東京都
Fast Food Restaurant · 北青山 · 21 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: American fast food chains in Japan are amazing! Much higher quality meat and they offer crazy stuff like lobster & caviar.

ageHa is one of Japan!.

12. ageHa

新木場2-2-10 (スタジオコースト), 江東区, 東京都
Night Club · 25 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: One of the largest clubs in Asia. Take the train or bus from Shibuya station. Stay until the trains start again at 4:30am or catch the bus, every hour on the hour, back to Shibuya.

Kaikaya is one of Japan!.

13. Kaikaya

(開花屋 by the sea)
円山町23-7, 渋谷区, 東京都
Seafood Restaurant · 76 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Make a reservation and ask for the set menu. You won't be disappointed.

Floating Torii Gate is one of Japan!.

14. Floating Torii Gate

(厳島神社 大鳥居)
宮島町, 廿日市市, 広島県
Monument · 36 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Worth a visit if you are hitting Hiroshima. Take the train-->ferry and be sure to go during high tide. Allow for 3-4 hours to wander the shops, eat fresh oysters, and explore the shrine.

CoCo壱番屋 中区新天地店 is one of Japan!.

15. CoCo壱番屋 中区新天地店

中区三川町2-6 (ヒツジヤビル 1F), 広島市, 広島県
Japanese Curry Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: spice levels range from 1-10. the waiter will laugh at you if you try to order anything above a 5.

MAC is one of Japan!.

16. MAC

流川町6-18, 広島県
Bar · 7 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: There's not a whole lot of nightlife in Hiroshima but this is a cool little dive bar worth checking out.

Fumichan is one of Japan!.

17. Fumichan

中区堀川町1-20, 広島市, 広島県
Okonomiyaki Restaurant · 9 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: Okonomiyaki in Hiroshima is a MUST! Their style has udon or soba noodles. Always go with soba.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is one of Japan!.

18. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

中区中島町1-1-10, 広島市, 広島県
Park · 57 tips and reviews
Fukuchi-in is one of Japan!.

19. Fukuchi-in

高野山657, 高野町, 和歌山県
Inn · 9 tips and reviews
Okunoin-mae is one of Japan!.

20. Okunoin-mae

高野山, 高野町, 和歌山県
Bus Station · No tips or reviews

21. The Westin Miyako Kyoto

東山区粟田口華頂町1, 京都市, 京都府
Hotel · 45 tips and reviews
Hafuu is one of Japan!.

22. Hafuu

中京区笹屋町471-1 (麩屋町通夷川上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Steakhouse · 53 tips and reviews
Higashi-Otemon Gate is one of Japan!.

23. Higashi-Otemon Gate

中京区二条城町541 (二条城), 京都市, 京都府
Historic and Protected Site · 6 tips and reviews
Mitsutsuji is one of Japan!.

24. Mitsutsuji

伏見区稲荷山官有地, 京都市, 京都府
Hiking Trail · 3 tips and reviews
FREE BALL is one of Japan!.


京都市中京区蛸薬師河原町東入ル備前島町307 PLEXUSビル3F, 京都市, 京都府
Sports Bar · 2 tips and reviews
cafe la siesta 8bit edition is one of Japan!.

26. cafe la siesta 8bit edition

中京区紙屋町366 (四条西木屋町上ル レイホウ会館 1F), 京都市, 京都府
Café · 28 tips and reviews
Gogyo is one of Japan!.

27. Gogyo

(京都 五行)
中京区十文字町452 (柳馬場通蛸薬師下る), 京都市, 京都府
Ramen Restaurant · 100 tips and reviews
Tonkatsu Maisen is one of Japan!.

28. Tonkatsu Maisen

(とんかつ まい泉)
神宮前4-8-5, 東京, 東京都
Tonkatsu Restaurant · 神宮前 · 173 tips and reviews


神宮前1-19-9 (プライム原宿 1F), 東京, 東京都
Hobby Store · 千駄ヶ谷 · 3 tips and reviews
Ippudo is one of Japan!.

30. Ippudo

六本木4-9-11 (第2小田切ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 六本木 · 95 tips and reviews
Muse is one of Japan!.

31. Muse

西麻布4-1-1 (B1F), 港区, 東京都
Night Club · 5 tips and reviews
Taito Station is one of Japan!.

32. Taito Station

(タイトーステーション 秋葉原店)
外神田4-2-2 (貴三ビル), 東京, 東京都
Arcade · 秋葉原 · 32 tips and reviews
Imperial Palace is one of Japan!.

33. Imperial Palace

千代田1-1, 東京, 東京都
Palace · 皇居 · 123 tips and reviews
Good Honest Grub is one of Japan!.

34. Good Honest Grub

東2-20-8, 東京, 東京都
French Restaurant · 渋谷区 · 14 tips and reviews
Shibuya Oiran is one of Japan!.

35. Shibuya Oiran

道玄坂2-22-6 (ゴールデンヒルズ), 東京, 東京都
Bar · 道玄坂 · 16 tips and reviews
Hilton Tokyo is one of Japan!.

36. Hilton Tokyo

西新宿6-6-2, 新宿区, 東京都
Hotel · 西新宿 · 72 tips and reviews