"No more dining hall. But Bay State is great"
Residence Hall
· Boston, United States
"Lunch special bentos are quite good."
· Boston, United States
7.2"The room kind of smells, but it's not going to get any better around the area. Try Holiday Inn across the road."
· Williams, United States
6.4"한국인이 하는 호텔..이라고는 할수없는 호텔비슷한 곳. 여행사한테 사기당해서왔음. 안망하고있는게 신기함. 한국인이 한국 망신시키고있음. 절대오지말것."
· Los Angeles, United States
5.3"Worst. Hellish. Employees cannot locate a reserved car, don't know the wait time, give you a different car for more money and have a "not my business" attitude. Ruined my first impression of LA"
Rental Car
· Los Angeles, United States
6.5"영화관에 테이블이있는게 특징. 좌석은 편하고좋은데 로비는 좀 후짐.."