The Green Tea Ice Cream has very nice texture but the green tea flavor is not as strong as I would expect from a green tea ice cream. Hotdogs are great savoury companions best before the ice cream!
Snow Affogato, it's only a big gulali though, matcha taste good as it's not too sweet! Don't forget to pour the hot matcha syrup in the middle of the white fluffy thingy
Minggu kmrn jalan jalan sama saudara sepupu alias the thamrins ....setelah makan siang eike sm yg lain kesini deh dpt rekomen dr mrk mrk juga. Yg suka olah ice cream harus coba kesini sih....
Matcha ice creamnya oke, engga terlalu manis tp overall dessertnya biasa aja sih.. sepertinya agak lebay kl sampe harus ngantri2 gitu. I'll be back someday, though, buat cobain japadognya :-)
Dibilangnya sih softcream instead of ice cream tp rasanya malah gk soft2 amat, trus untuk org yg gk terlalu suka es krim yg manis, cocok bgt kesini karena softcreamnya gk terlalu manis.