9 places updated July 6, 2014
9 places including テストサイト, ひょうたん池の底, トツカンダル
79 places updated April 11, 2016
79 places including Taco Derio! 新宿御苑店, Miami Garden 秋葉原店(閉店), 居酒屋 KAITO酒場 四ツ谷店, からあげのジョー
88 places updated March 29, 2015
181 places updated June 9, 2015
Venues which seem to be out of service because I have heard them about their preparation, closing or some problem.
200 places updated November 11, 2021
200 places including Charco Grill, 花奴万葉庵 小平天神店, ホビーセンターカトー東京店 東新宿仮店舗, サンマルクカフェ 琵琶湖クルージングモール ピエリ守山店
21 places updated March 11, 2013
21 places including Mt. Fuji Yoshida/Subashiri 8.5th Station, Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station, Mt. Fuji Yoshida 6th station, Mt. Fuji Yoshida 8th Station