Sean Gourley

Sean Gourley


San Francisco, CA
  • 2 Tips
  • 117 Following
  • 2 Lists

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Sean's Top Cities
Los Angeles
1 Tip
San Francisco
1 Tip
Sean Gourley
7 places updated
7 places including Farm : Table, TCHO, Library Hotel, Slow Club
Sean Gourley
0 places updated
0 places
Sean's ListsLists Sean CreatedLists Sean Followed
"You should try the 'big data' quesadilla it's off the hook"
Sean GourleySean Gourley · April 28, 2011
Tech Startup
· San Francisco, United States
"Buy two cookies and sell one to people at the end of the line....mmm arbitrage."
Sean GourleySean Gourley · November 13, 2010
Ice Cream
· Los Angeles, United States