1 places updated August 20, 2019
1 place including Andiamo
1 places updated February 1, 2019
1 place including Первая раковая
5 places updated June 15, 2013
Samsung and Foursquare team up to help you discover great new places. http://foursquare.com/timemachine
3 places updated August 2, 2012
3 places including Izmailovo Beta Hotel, ТЦ «Аврора Парк», СЦ «Аксион»
6 places updated
6 places including МРЭО ГИБДД УР, Киноцентр «Кино Сити», SPAR, AZIMUT Moscow Tulskaya Hotel
3 places updated
3 places including Сувлачная, Маугли, веревочный парк, ДЮСШ-4